All this baby talk has reminded me that I haven't asked for updated responses. So, here it goes... (most of the questions are the same)
1. How many weeks?
2. Still have m/s?
3. Baby name?
4. If you've already been told.. boy or girl?
5.Have you began planning out a nursery?
6. If there is one thing you could take away from your preg. experience it would be...
7. Fav. craving?
8. Are you planning on a home delivery, hospital, or water birth?
9. The one "must have" item on your registry...
10. ::instert picture here:: (ok this one is optional,LOL)
Thanks for the update girls. I wont be able to make it to the GTG so it's nice to hear how you are all doing.
Re: Polly poll poll... (baby mommas)
1. How many weeks? 24 babycakes!!!
2. Still have m/s? ohhh no :-D i'm a happy camper now!!
3. Baby name? Isabella Victoria (i know very very royal...but she's gonna be my lil' princess so the name is very fitting)
4. If you've already been told.. boy or girl? GIRL
5.Have you began planning out a nursery? more or less...i mean i know where the furniture is going to go, just need to find the furniture LOL
6. If there is one thing you could take away from your preg. experience it would be...i don't think i would take away anything....not even the m/s. i've loved being pregnant.
7. Fav. craving? none...amazingly enough.
8. Are you planning on a home delivery, hospital, or water birth? hospital but plan on birthing at home as long as possible
9. The one "must have" item on your registry... gosh i don't know...i think everything on there should be a "must"
10. ::instert picture here:: (ok this one is optional,LOL) look below at my siggy
1. How many weeks? 18...almost half way (scary!)
2. Still have m/s? nope, never got of the lucky ones.
3. Baby name? we'll find out today if it's Nicolas or Emma
4. If you've already been told.. boy or girl? i'll let you know in a few hours
5.Have you began planning out a nursery? i have both boy ideas and girl ideas, so let's see this afternoon which plan we will be putting into action
6. If there is one thing you could take away from your preg. experience it would remember how blessed i am and how lucky DH and I are to have the life we have
7. Fav. craving? Tostitos w/ salsa con queso dip...yum!
8. Are you planning on a home delivery, hospital, or water birth? hospital...i'd like something for the pain (epidural?) but besides that i'm hoping for as little intervention as possible...
9. The one "must have" item on your registry...a nice stroller...not 100% sure which one yet
10. ::instert picture here:: (ok this one is optional,LOL) there's some in my 2nd to last blog post (link in siggy)
1. How many weeks? 20 weeks 3 days
2. Still have m/s? Nope...I was one of the lucky ones who never got it. (sorry Cynthia!)
3. Baby name? I had names, but now I'm having second thoughts
4. If you've already been told.. boy or girl? tomorrow!!!
5.Have you began planning out a nursery? Sorta. I already know where I want the stuff to go, and I've started cleaning out the room, but no furniture yet.
6. If there is one thing you could take away from your preg. experience it would be...The whole thing. I love being pregnant and I feel super blessed to have the family, love, and support that I have.
7. Fav. craving? Salad!! Weird, huh??
8. Are you planning on a home delivery, hospital, or water birth? Hospital.
9. The one "must have" item on your registry... Umm...a carseat? considering I can't leave the hospital without one.
10. ::instert picture here:: (ok this one is optional,LOL) see siggy for 20 week pic
1. How many weeks? 17 weeks
2. Still have m/s? none, never did
3. Baby name? we have first name, still working on middle
4. If you've already been told.. boy or girl? BOY!
5.Have you began planning out a nursery? in my head
6. If there is one thing you could take away from your preg. experience it would be... nothing
7. Fav. craving? tomatoes and cheese
8. Are you planning on a home delivery, hospital, or water birth? hospital
9. The one "must have" item on your registry...not sure, everything is pretty important
10. ::instert picture here:: (ok this one is optional,LOL) I don't have any belly pics at work, only this funny pic from my phone. this is how I wear my jeans these days!
Lily---we all wore our pants like that at some point
1. How many weeks?14 I'll be 15 tomorrow!
2. Still have m/s? Yes but not as bad as before..I'm actually getting my energy back Woo hoo!
3. Baby name? None yet..We would like to narrow it down to one sex as opposed to coming up with 4 names!
4. If you've already been told.. boy or girl? Next wednesday!! I can't wait!!
5.Have you began planning out a nursery? I've been getting ideas and now with the new house I'll definitely be kicking it into full gear when I know the sex
6. If there is one thing you could take away from your preg. experience it would be...The amazing bond its created between me and my DH..We are absolutely thrilled when we heard the news about our twins
7. Fav. craving? chesse!!!
8. Are you planning on a home delivery, hospital, or water birth? Hospital for sure...I'm not taking any chances with these two!
9. The one "must have" item on your registry...Stroller!! I've been doing my research haven't picked the one yet!
10. ::instert picture here:: (ok this one is optional,LOL) Sorry I'm at work and have no access to my pics
LOL Lily!! Your picture madfe me giggle/snort! hahah
And like Cynthia said, we ALL wore our jeans like that. In fact, I still wear my favorite ones that way LOL
Make a pregnancy ticker
1. How many weeks? 17
2. Still have m/s? Thank heavens it left at 10 weeks
3. Baby name? We have one for a boy...if it's a girl, we're in trouble
4. If you've already been told.. boy or girl? Just another week or so til we find out.
5.Have you began planning out a nursery? Just some initial ideas - yellow and rubber duckies.
6. If there is one thing you could take away from your preg. experience it would be...That it's much more serious than I imagined it to be. We've had a few scares and I need to stop focusing so much on work and focus more on the growing life inside me.
7. Fav. craving? Airheads and Sour Punch Straws, yeah it's weird.
8. Are you planning on a home delivery, hospital, or water birth? Hospital delivery, but will try to do most of the laboring at home.
9. The one "must have" item on your registry...No items yet, but I imagine a stroller is the biggest item.
10. ::instert picture here:: (ok this one is optional,LOL) Ultrasound at 17 Weeks - I was asked if I wanted to know the gender, but DH wasn't with me so I said "No, thanks" so we'll wait another week or so when he's with me!
I'm a little late responding, but here goes:
1. How many weeks? 32 as of tomorrow
2. Still have m/s? nope, never did.
3. Baby name? Hunter
4. If you've already been told.. boy or girl? Boy
5.Have you began planning out a nursery? Yes - we just picked up the flooring this weekend, so DH needs to put that in and finish a few minor things.
6. If there is one thing you could take away from your preg. experience it would be... Nothing - I've had a great pregnancy.
7. Fav. craving? Salads - this baby is a health nut like his daddy! LOL
8. Are you planning on a home delivery, hospital, or water birth? Hospital - all natural.
9. The one "must have" item on your registry... stroller with baby car seat
10. ::instert picture here:: (ok this one is optional,LOL) This pic was taken about 3 weeks ago, so I was about 28 weeks.
Thanks for the update ladies!
Virginia your ultrasound image is so0o freaking cute. It's amazing to see those little arms and little legs .. aww!!