Okay.. so after years of crazy allergy and sinus problems I heard about the neti pot, then was afraid to try and it drown myself :-) then they got popular thanks to Oprah and a couple of my friends tried them and had great results including one that has similar issues to me so I finally got one today.
I have used it once and I already am breathing 100% better... still a little stuff in there but you are supposed to start slowly so I'll wait till tonight to try it again and get the rest out... it rocks though! Really, I can breathe, it felt good to do plus my face feels less puffy and painful. I highly suggest if you have allergy/sinus/etc.. problems you give it a try.
okay... rave complete.
Re: Product Rave... the neti pot
Hey earthmuffin, I saw your post after looking at mine - did you have a hard time with this? I have one and it was hard to use - but I think I wasn't using it right. My mother SWEARS by this and that's why she had me get one. A lot of my migraines are sinus related.
hmmm, may have to try it again, right now it's just a big joke w/DH.
Then I will DEFINITELY have to try it again, as I KNOW it has GOT to help all my sinus trouble!!!
Thanks girlie!!