I totally forgot you do PT! My doc actually recommended me to do it for my wrist (carpal tunnel) I'm waiting to get an appointment with a wrist doc, but I'm not really interested in doing surgery on it yet. My doc was supposed to get back to me on PT for my wrist while I'm waiting for the appt, but I haven't heard anything from her yet.
My back is actually my sacroiliac joint. I had to work from home last week because I couldn't sit down. Any tips or suggestions for it? My doc gave me a cortisone shot and some stretches to do (I've been doing them all along) but it's still hurting. Of course the doc had to bring up the fact that I haven't had kids yet - I told her yeah, if it already hurts this bad right now, I don't even want to THINK about how it will be when I'm pregnant. Shoot me an email with you get a chance: faith dot hinchman at yahoo.com
Re: brezovay