Our A/C was starting to act funny Wednesday night and first thing yesaterday morning DH called our home warranty people to get someone out here before it expires next month. They tell us they can't be out until Monday, but we thought we could live with it through the weekend going on and off. So last night I'm enjoying a nice, hot bubble bath when I realize I'm still burning up when I get out....at this point the A/C is completely dead. What a nightmare having to get ready for work this morning. I took the coldest shower I could possibly stand and then tried getting ready in the basement (where I thought it would be cooler), but that proved to be just as bad once I turned on the blow dryer! I couldn't wait to get to work (never thought I'd say that!) just to be in air conditioning! I'm trying to talk DH in to getting a hotel room for the weekend, but he's convinced the basement will be fine with the fan on. I always tell him "happy wife, happy life!"
Re: Holy heat Batman!
Well, it's Sunday and we've actually made it without going to a hotel. I was so mad at him Friday night, but with this "cool front" we had come in this weekend it wasn't too bad. We dragged a mattress down to the basement and set up shop down there! We opened all the windows in the house and turned on the fans and actually Friday night I had to get up to get a blanket b/c we got cold. We were out most of the day yesterday and today we are out in the yard and running a few last-minute errands this afternoon. So I think i can tough it out for one more night Had it been hot & humid like the past couple of weekends we would have definately been outta here!