Does anyone else suffer from this?
I feel like I am constantly switching between two phases - the "losing weight" phase and the "gaining weight" phase. Never am I at that happy place where I can eat normally and avoid gaining back the pounds I fought so hard to lose.
So last week I switched from "gaining weight" to "losing weight" again. Sigh. Will this battle ever end?
I've tried EVERYTHING, and although I'm not unhappy with the way I look, I'd like to stay at a healthy(er) weight to avoid aggravating my back problems and just to feel better in general.
Anyone else on a diet kick right now? I'm trying weight watchers again. I guess we'll see how it goes.
Re: Anyone dieting?
I'm horrible with dieting. I'll do it for a day or two, and then the wkend comes along, and bye bye diet. LOL
I'm going to an acupuncturist that has me on a "diet," more of a healthier eating habit. I am trying to incorporate walking into my daily routine. I did so for 30 min yesterday. I tried so hard last wk, but was leaving work on average @ 8:30pm... sometimes later. Walking was the last thing on my mind at that time.
GL w/ the diet. I've done WW before, and had success... I'm sure you will too.
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
Yocy - I'm eating a yogurt a day, too.. Unfortunately, my metabolism doesn't seem to go any faster. Maybe I need to eat yogurt instead of my regular meals, lol...
Melissa - I've heard of, that's a great way to do it, too! I'm already on, and it's working pretty well so far. Keep me updated on sparkpeople though, maybe I'll switch eventually.
And Jackie, I have the same problem with getting home too late to think about being healthy. Most nights I get home really late and just want to eat quickly and go to bed. And even worse, I can't exercise until my back gets better, so I can only diet.
I feel ya, I have spurts that I just don't worry about food and then all of a sudden something clicks (usually when my jeans don't fit anymore) and I'm all about eating right again.
DH and I signed up for WW again yesterday. We were on it last summer and fall, lost about 15 pounds each and then the holiday/vacation season rolled around and we were like, "Ok, we just won't eat as much of the bad stuff" and next thing we knew, we dropped the diet and gained the wieght back!
So now we're starting it again. Doing the online version, we found it to be really easy to follow and doable. Best wishes girly!
In case this helps, I found this amazing cooking blog last week. The author is a lady that takes recipes and makes them WW friendly, she even lists the point values and serving sizes. Here's the link:
Eli, I'm not sure if you have an iPhone, but after the holidays last year I really wanted to drop a few pounds and I found an application called Lose It that really helped. It helped me to calculate how many calories I should be consuming a day, and then I was supposed to log in everything I ate throughout the day so that it would keep a running tally of how many of my calories I had "used up" and how many I still had left for later. It also allowed you to log in work outs and then it would add the number of calories you burned to your total calorie intake for the day (so that you could eat more on the days you worked out).
I thought it was an awesome program. It really helped me to stay on track and focus on what I was eating. Before, I feel like I would just snack mindlessly throughout the day, but when I was using Lose It, I knew that I couldn't just eat random crap whenever the mood struck because that would mean that I would have to eat less food later, when I was actually really hungry. I would say maybe the first week was the toughest because I was hungry all the time, but once my stomach got used to the new system, it worked out really well. The best thing I learned was how much better it is to eat small meals throughout the day versus going hours and hours without eating and then stuffing your face all at once. When I spread my eating out throughout the day, I was never starving and I enjoyed all my food.
The only thing that was a big pain in the ass about it was having to know exactly how many calories were in all the food you're eating. It would make it almost impossible to eat out anywhere, unless it was a big chain that had their nutritional info online. For that reason, I would only use it Monday-Friday, and then on the weekends I would just use common sense and try to eat smart without overdoing...but I wouldn't go crazy about trying to figure everything out down to the last calorie if we were eating at a restaurant.
Anyway, I think the whole concept is nothing new. It's probably very similar to Sparkpeople and Weight Watchers. I know Weight Watchers is more sophisticated because they take other things into account in their point system other than just calories, like how much fiber the food has. For me, the plus of using this over the other methods was 1) it's basically free (the application itself is like $2 or something but that's it) and 2) the portability and accountability of having it right there on my phone and being able to check it whenever I wanted throughout the day and see how I was doing. Good luck!
I'm forever on a diet...but I've learned a few mottos:
the whiter the bread....the quicker you're dead; nothing tastes as good as thing feels; the smaller the snack, the smaller the slacks.
Although repeating these don't always work for me...I find that WW is the best option for me. I follow it, but didn't join this time. I use the Hungry Girl books/website quite often.'s nice to see you around again!
Photo courtesy of
It's Beshert
Lol. I am always on a diet. But i actually have kept it up since march because it feels good to wear my old cloths. But i wasnt happy with my weight i needed to loose. So i eat healthy most of the times and workout. And if i want something really bad i think if the calories are worth the extra hour in the gym
Thanks Gena!! Love your mottos, I gotta remember those. I've never gone to the Hunrgry Girl website, I'm going to have to check that out too!
BTW, Spencer is just the cutest thing!! He is so handsome!
Im in the WW club too! Starting on Monday officially with my husband. Were going all in with meetings and everything.
I had actually been following it online for a couple of months but I did it mon-fri good as a good girl and then sat and sunday I would go crazy and of course it doesn't work that way for me. After our cruise last weekend we decided we need to go head first to the meetings, weigh ins etc. We want to lose our happy fat before our 1st Anniversary!
Maybe we should do weekly weigh ins or something for encouragement?
I'm doing it online now, since I don't have time to attend the meetings. I LOVE the weekly weigh in idea! We should definitely form a little support group to keep each other motivated.