There has been so much on the news lately regarding pregnant women and their increased risks catching swine flu, is this just something being over dramatized on the news or is this something we really should be concerned about.
As my H and I talk about our TTC plans this has come up lately and he seems to be really concerned where I think maybe it's being made a bigger deal than it actually is.
Does this information make you think twice about getting pregnant or change your future plans. Especially since the "experts" are saying epidemics can sometimes hang around longer than a few months.
Just wondering what other people were thinking/feeling about this whole swine flu business
Re: Swine Flu and Pregnancy?
I think the swine flu news is a bit dramatic. It is just like any other flu and if caught and treated in a timely manner no big deal. It is just a strain of a virus that is not the "norm" for what America faces.
Yes, when you are pregnant your immune system is a bit weaker than normal since the baby takes all the most important nutrients. I would not let the risk of swine flu keep me from TTC. That would be no different than not wanting to get pregnant because of ANY of the risks involved with pregnancy. When you are pregnant, you take care of yourself, eat right, take vitimans and get pre-natal care you should be fine.
I'm pregnant and have not and will not ever get a flu shot. My doctor hasn't even mentioned it to me either. I personally think that anyone with proper care can recover from this flu, as they can anything else. Also with the same precautions during regular cold season you can avoid this flu as you do with regular colds. (ie - washing hands, not touching things and then touching your face/mouth, not getting exposed to other people coughing/sneezing...etc.)
To the original poster....I heard you mention TTC down the road. I would strongly suggest reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility to learn a bit about your stuff, it really helped me out. Even better is that it helpd my husband understand a lot of things he didn't know. (It is a big book, but I only read the parts I needed....)
Wait a minute, you're supposed to eat right? Shiiiiiit. I didn't hear about that.