So, my twin nieces are graduating high school. One is going off to college and the other is living at home and will be getting her associates at a jr college. I asked my sister what they want for graduation and my sister dutifully replied, "Money!" I know, I know. Every grad needs money. But I wanted to get them something special, ya know? I also have to extra careful to buy them very simiar items- so I really felt like I couldn't get one college dorm supplies and give the other ??.
So... after much thought, I finally decided on a simple set of personalized stationery for them both. I received this when I graduated and used it all through college and loved it. Just to hit some of their practical side, I also plan to throw in a $35 gas card. Just tell me that I'm not the dorky aunt. OK... even if I am, please tell me that the gas card makes up for it... right?
Re: Am I the Dorky Aunt?
meh, I'm the aunt that gives a spoiled preschooler books instead of toys, so no, you're not.
I like the idea of stationary -- will you do different color schemes/styles to fit their personalities? I think the gas card is a good idea. Another idea would be a restaurant GC so maybe they could go out to dinner together when they see each other?
No you are NOT a dorky aunt. I think the stationary is very nice and ladylike and will be used often! Trust me! I was always looking for nice stationary in school for internship thank yous, etc... and the gas card is MUCH needed right now! You rock! as per usual :-)
I have never written anything on specific stationary, and I think the last letter I hand wrote on actual paper was about 10 years ago, so in an age of text messages and e-mail, yes, the gift may seem a little dorky at first. But, I think that if I did receive a gift like that, even as someone who doesn't write letters, I would probably search out occasions to use it, just because I have it and looks cool. And who doesn't like free gas?