Oregon Nesties
Dear Community,
Our tech team has launched updates to The Nest today. As a result of these updates, members of the Nest Community will need to change their password in order to continue participating in the community. In addition, The Nest community member's avatars will be replaced with generic default avatars. If you wish to revert to your original avatar, you will need to re-upload it via The Nest.
If you have questions about this, please email help@theknot.com.
Thank you.
Note: This only affects The Nest's community members and will not affect members on The Bump or The Knot.
PDX Nesties: How do we feel about monthly GTG?
We were discussing this at out last GTG. Most of us are down, and we'd like to get a couple more girls to join us next time. Thoughts?
BTW, we had a blast. We even had Dwight from The Office as our waitor, and he sang to the whole restaruant. Good times.
Re: PDX Nesties: How do we feel about monthly GTG?
Learning to start all over again... Blog
THAT'S who he reminded me of...not doogie howser (sp?) hahahaha...i knew it was somebody.
but hell yeah you know i'm in for a monthly gtg
we should start planning for august!
date suggestions anyone???
ETA - oh wait, that was august..august 1st woops. well anyone have any suggestions for late august/early september then?
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for sure .. i'm down with that..we used to do this on my old local board and it worked out really well
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Em, I'm so happy to hear how things are progressing with Josie. That's great news! You could just tell the babies that your new place came with all the amenities: jack and jill bath, AC, pool, fireplace and...well hey, now that we mention it guys, it came with a FREE PUPPY too! isn't that great!?
I'm sure they'd be thrilled.
Thanks Scarlett! It looks like we'll be able to pick her up on the weekend of the 22nd assuming we pass our home check on the 16th. We'd get her sooner but Jeff wants to go along to pick her up. : )
I start class again on September 21st, so if we can plan the next GTG before then it would be less stressful for me. Of course, a week or two into the quarter won't really be that bad if it works better for everyone else.
And also, I just googled Andina and I'm droooooooling. It looks amazing!
ohhh man andina looks amazing! i'm up for it!!
okay i say the first or second weekend in september then....i just can't do the 10th (but it's a thursday) because i'm going to the blink concert in seattle
maybe we should start a poll to pick a date?
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