I took a week long vacation last week and it was fantastic!! Stayed in Naples. The water was great, got a great tan, and came back super relaxed. While there got to see these schools of sting rays. That was totally awesome. Also got to see several dolphins swim right up to the shore, it was amazing and they were soo cute. I've been back but have been catching up on a few things at work so couldn't really log on. I've seen the the boards have been really busy while I've been gone, and have also seen so many old nesties make a reapearance. That's great!! I also see a lot of new faces. Welcome!!
Jackie, I know this is late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you had a great one!!
Now to this drama thing? How the heck did drama spill over to the nest?? I thought those days of being catty were left behind on the knot. Not that I saw anyone here post anything bad, but just saying haven't seen drama here for years.
Not too sure what happened. I work with Michi and I'm not defending her or throwing her under the bus. All I'm saying is why are the girls on the knot being so sensitive about this whole situation and taking it so personal??
Oh well, it's nice to be back to my nestie family. Missed you all!!
Re: I've been MIA, but I'm back!! :-)
Hey Johanna! Welcome back! Glad you enjoyed your vacation, it sounds like it was loads of fun.
There really wasn't toooo much drama spilling over. I was curious as to what happened since most of the posts on theknot were DDed, especially since someone in particular who I KNOW would never ever drop the ball was being badmouthed. Not cool.
Honestly, I think they are making a HUGE deal over this when no one really knows for sure that anything happened. This is nothing compared to what we used to deal with -- at least they don't have vendors posing as brides -- it really just seems to be a misunderstanding. I know tons of girls who discovered they had a talent during the wedding planning process, myself included, (like making invitations, or baking, or wedding planning) who were actual legitimate brides with a reason to be on the knot. I don't even know how Justine got dragged into this, but that's what pissed me off the most - people talking smack about her without her being able to defend herself. I feel sorry for Michi because it seems that she intended to help out a few of her friends and instead got attacked for being a vendor. So cruel and unfair.
Also, if she got kickbacks from her venue, if she genuinely liked them and had a good experience with them then WTF cares?!!! Seriously!!
Just my two cents
Welcome Back!! Glad to hear that you had a great time over on the West Coast.
Where did you guys stay? DH and I are looking for fun places to vacation here this year.
Yep totally agree with everything you said. The girls over there are so catty. I just don't get it. Honestly all I know if it were me and a vendor offered me a freebie I would be dumb not to take it. It's no one elses business. Michi she really is great and has been super helpful. It's not fair that after everything they talk crap about her. Especially this one girl that has some sort of lime figure on her siggy. Seriously get over yourself, put on your big girl panties and once again..get over it. They all take it way to seriously. So sad to see how they throw someone like Michi and Justine under the bus without really knowing the truth. Are we in middle school?? ugh oh well.
Make a pregnancy ticker
We stayed in Vanderbuilt beach. There is one hotel which is GREAT!! It's called Inn at Pelican Bay. I love it!!! If you want a week long vaca I suggest staying in one of the timeshares that are beach front. They are actual condos and are so convenient. I think the one we stayed at is call Pelican In or somethign like that.
Make a pregnancy ticker
Make a pregnancy ticker
Thanks I'll look into it.