This is a continuation from last week's post someone created about things that are annoying at work. My response to the original post is below, in bold. My new comment is below that. This guy annoys the ---- out of me. Anyone want to continue with this subject? Come on, let's have some fun. What else annoys you at work?
I work with a guy who has a SAHW who calls him ALL day long. It's ridiculous. I want to call her myself and tell her to get a hobby. Seriously, she calls sometimes like right on the hour. His phone is never on vibrate, always rings. Then he makes baby voices to his kids for at least like 10 minutes. It drives me nuts! I have a child, I miss him all day. This guy's not alone. I'd love to talk to my little guy on the hour, but I just think he needs to be more courteous.
He just did it again! Ugh!!! (Don't forget to picture this in the baby voice) "Hi ---! Oh no, buddy! You lost your ---??? Where did they go? Does Mommy know you lost your ---? Oh no! Well, I hope you find them...I miss you, buddy".
Re: Cont. - annyoying things at work
I actually think that's kind of cute, but that could be the baby fever talking and thinking that anything kid related is cute now. lol
The only thing I'm really annoyed about is this one coworker. This guy makes money in the six digits yet he's called me every day to find out when he's going to receive his $40 expense reimbursement. WTF?!?! Ugh, so annoying.
Make a pregnancy ticker
Ok, now he's on with the other kid (this is a second phone call, not the first from before) asking her if she's having a good day with --- and if she got anything good in the mail and telling her he can't wait to go to --- tonight. He's also imitating the other kid about the ---and saying how cute he is. Again, I would love to talk to my kid all day. I miss him as we speak, but I'd go elsewhere to do the kiddie voices as not to interrupt the whole place. Ugh!
I've edited this to make it sort of incognito.
Yeah that would get a annoying after about the 3rd phone call. Talking to your kids maybe on your lunch break would be okay but not that many times in that short span of time.
I think I would have to ask him to leave or tell him he is interrupting my consintration on my own work.
My co-works just come and complain to me about each other and that gets annoying in its self b/c I could really careless what they all think of each other, never mind they are males and act like teenage girls with all of their gossip.
Oh goodness. That is too much. At first, I would think it is cute, but it would get old quickly!
Other things that irk me about coworkers:
-- Cell phones not on silent/vibrate, with ghetto and/or inappropriate songs. I'm not knockin' songs as cell phone ringtones, just not appropriate at work.
-- (this is one from today) Coworkers that think they are above you and talk to you like your boss! Hm, hello, you are a clerk, I am a manager, I will do things when I am ready to do them, thank you very much! No need to give coworkers attitude... we are suppose to be on the same team.
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett