Just popping in to say hello. As predicted, the opening of schools is already becoming hectic, even though, we still have one week before school starts. However, preparing documents and presentations for the teachers as well as student orientations has been time consuming. On top of that, we spend most of our evenings looking at homes.
Hopefully, things will calm down once the school routine sets in and once we're under contract for a house. I really do want to spend more time on this board during the evenings at least.
For now, I just want to wish everyone a great weekend! Enjoy before the workweek starts again!
Re: hello ladies
The beginning of the school year is always exciting
You'll get settled into your routine soon enough. In the meantime, enjoy house hunting - the right one will pop up sooner or later!
BTW, I saw District 9 yesterday - I don't know how to explain how I felt about it other than I was overwhelmed. I wasn't expecting that kind of movie at all in that it had a very complex, believable storyline and a lot of substance. But overall, I enjoyed it.