I know those of us who were at the May GTG started tossing around ideas for a summer event. I wondered if we should start working on possibilities now...that way we can adapt it to everyone's schedule as best as possible.
Date wise-what do your schedules look like-vacation wise/work wise toward the end of June/beginning of July??? Should we go for a weeknight again??? I figured that the week of July 4th is out for most, but outside of that what dates would work for you all??
I wondered about making it a couples nite...since it is summertime-gives everyone a chance to relax and all that. Of course we can always stick to our ladies only evening.
I just wanted to open it up to discussion. What do you ladies think??
Re: Greenville area Ladies...Summer GTG ideas
I think a couples night sounds like a great idea.... plus it will give our husbans a chance to meet our "imaginary friends."
I will be out of town for business June 9-10 and we are going to be at a wedding in WV June 13-15 and are getting out of town company June 21-22. In July our only conflict is with the 4th of July weekend.
Maybe we could do like a picnic or cookout at a local park? The men could Grill... (my husband LOVES grilling) and it will give them something to talk about haha.
My apartment complex has a pool but I'm not sure about grills... do any of you live in neighborhoods where there is a public park/grills etc?
I'm thinking one of the weekends in July (obviously not the weekend around the 4th) would work out better. Our subdivision shares ammenities w/ another, but I'm not sure how stellar they are...I wonder about something like Paris Mtn on the other side of downtown or something like that??? maybe checking out Greenville parks & rec online would help us out on this one.
I definitely think we should include our husbands on this one. That way they can A-meet our imaginary friends and B-realize that we're not as they think we are-when we talk about the Nest anyway. :-) and then of course there's the "guy time" factor-gives them something else to do as well. :-)
I'm all for another GTG. The only thing is that I don't know if DH will be able to come. He works most weekends and we are going to NY the end of July (so I don;t want him wasting anymore time off for a BBQ). It's not that I dont; want him to go I just don;t want his job to be like "oh so you need July 23-28 off and now you want ANOTHER day in July off too?" The only thing I can suggest to him is to maybe switch with someone. I guess we'll cross that bridge if we get to it.
That being said the only time not good for me would be the weekend of the July 24,25,26,27.
Oh and um-my DH is quite a bit older than your DH's. Is that cool with you? DH is 42.
Bringing DH's along is an option. Of course we can always stick to the ladies only event like we did last month. I totally understand rationing time off though. We can keep tossing ideas around about what to do for a GTG.
Cookout's a possibility...any other ideas????
Well getting time off is certainly an issue we underestand... does he usually have certain nights off?
My husband wouldn't be the least bit bothered that your husband is a little older... Zach's friends are mostly in their mid-late 30's and he plays softball with a group of 50 year olds He's an old-soul.
His days off are different every week. He also works different hours each week. Like this week he is off Tuesday and Friday and then next week he is off Wed and Sunday (it's VERY rare that he gets a Sat or Sunday off). One week he could work 1-10 Mon, 8-5 Tuesday, off Wed, 11-8 Thursday, 7-4 Friday. He doesn't his schedule til like a week and a half- 2 weeks ahead.
But I asked him last night about getting together with my "imaginary friends" and he was all for it.
We could always stick to our previous restaurant ideas and then just pick an evening and say "DH's optional" yes, corny, but that way if some can make it and some can't it's not a problem either way.
We could even do something like Sticky Fingers or the like in the downtown area, something that's pretty laid back and "DH friendly" lol.
No worries about age, Steve will be 38 this month and would probably welcome hanging out w/ someone in, as he says, "his generation" (He says this b/c the majority of my friends that he's met to this point are those I've known since HS/college, and therefore are a bit younger than him.) I have mentioned going out with my friends from the Nest and he said to count him in, so we're a definitely up for it!!
Just let us know when/where to be
I'm open. If you all want to do a cookout or go to a restaurant again that works. let's just go w/ majority on this one.
Happy Friday Ladies!!!
Just let me know when and where to be
to keep it simple-and cool (good grief it's been HOT lately) let's just plan on meeting at a restaurant one evening in July-whatever ya'll feel like trying out-just let me know.
I want to come! DH... probably not. No offense, but he isn't a social guy with people that he doesn't know.
City Range has a really good happy hour
I took Steve (DH) to City Range for his birthday last year-it was really good!! If City Range works for everyone, what's a date that works??
btw-happy hump day ladies!!!
I'm just going to jump right in here (I found it MRSD!) and say that Cityrange is fine with me and I haven't asked DH to come along (as I just found out about this) but I am almost positive he wouldn't have a problem and he's very friendly so he will be fine meeting new folks. (he loves steak houses too).
I am free almost any weekend in July...if you choose a week night, I don't get off work until 6pm... (off fridays, so if you pick a fri night don't worry bout the 6pm thing!) so pretty much I'm game anytime!
Glad you found is MrsS.
Would meeting on a Tuesday evening again work for everyone? I didn't know if anyone's schedule had changed or not, but that seemed to work for everyone last time. Since traffic between Woodruff and Haywood-and anywhere else in the area that involves 385/85-can be a pain, should we move it to 6:30-7:00ish instead?? Any ideas???
weekends are better for us but we can definitely do a Tuesday if it's better for everyone else.
It's just that after working an 11 hour day, getting off at six (if it is a couples thing) I would have to drive back to piedmont and then back to greenville (to get Bri..he can't just meet me as he drives a company vehicle) We wouldn't be able to meet until 7 then.
But I am not the type to make everyone alter their plans for me so I could work out a Tuesday if needed...(maybe, with enough time I could ask to leave 30 minutes to an hour early) so everyone else let MRSD know what's good for y'all and I'll go along with whatever!
How about meeting one night during the week of July 14th?? We can do "ladies only" or "DH optional" or whatever works for you all??
I wonder if it might be easier- schedule/time-wise - to do ladies only (esp if we do it during the week) and then do a GTG w/ the hubby's later in the summer/early fall. What do you all think???
I'm still fine with anything. I can do almost any night and Brian can come or not come....
....This SC board isn't very active is it?
Sounds good.
No, it's really not, but we keep trying to pick it up. I think it's pretty split up-low country-Charleston, and that area
Upstate-G'ville Spartanburg, etc,
Columbia area
seems to be a challenge to bring the 3 together, or at least get a discussion going among everyone.
It's still nice to have someplace to come and rant, rave or just ramble....
Does that week work for the rest of you ladies??
So the week of July 14th.... and tuesday is July 15th...
Anyone opposed to dinner at 6:30ish at City Range on July 15th?
No husbands OR Husbands optional.
Vote now.
(sorry, only 1/2 hour till I'm done for the day and it's been a LONG one, so I'm going to be seriously over-excited right now)
That week and time is fine with me!!!
I don't know what to vote, I'm fine either way. I won't be as open if Brian doesn't come because I am the shy one of the two of us but he is the open one that makes me open up to new people...but I can manage. It would just take me a bit to not be shy since I don't know everyone as well as everyone knows each other. But I could use a ladies night...and I think Bri has a Fire Dept meeting that night anyways. So I'm cool with whatever everyone else wants.
hope I don't make things difficult...