So, after all of my issues with a tanking milk supply that always made a comeback, I am STILL breastfeeding. Ugh! Not by choice. I had planned on going to 6 months and then 12 months. I had not planned on going any longer. We tried introducing milk on three different occasions. Emma has never had dairy issues with breastfeeding, so we didn't expect her to have issues with milk.
The first time we tried for a few days, she vomitted every day. She had a little cold, so we weren't sure if the tummy upset was from the nasal drainage or milk, so we went off milk and waited a few weeks to try again. The next time we tried she had some vomitting.....pedi thought maybe related to teething and a lot of other developmental things gong on with her.
Last week was the push to figure it all out. We started giving milk in sippy cups for four days. She had diarrhea/vomitting/sinus drainage the whole time. We stopped friday and by saturday she was fine again. AAAGGGHHH! I was ready to check out on breastfeeding 6 weeks ago! Spoke to pedi's nurse today......we are starting to transition to soy formula tomorrow so that I finally have an end in sight. Still not sure if she has just a sensitivity or an allergy. Will be trying milk in 4-6 weeks, and if she has issues, we will be getting some bloodwork done.
Thanks for letting e complain/vent!
Re: Baby related
I can totally relate with you on the milk issue. For me, it was different because Noah self weaned a week before his first birthday, so I didn't have the choice to continue BFing him. We started out with soy milk, but that didn't agree with him very well. Now he drinks rice milk and has for at least 9 months.
Why do you have to switch to soy formula and not just soy milk? She is well over a year now, so I'm confused by this. lol Another thing I would suggest if you try milk again and still have an issue is to see an allergist and not just the pedi. We saw an allergist and he actually said that a blood test isn't accurate enough at that age, Noah had the skin prick test on his back. Way less tramatic for them than a blood test. The allergist will also test for more allergins. I highly recommend Okemos Allergy. I loved them. I'm 90% sure that you don't need a refferal.
You can email me or message me on Facebook if you have any other questions.