Columbus Nesties
Dear Community,
Our tech team has launched updates to The Nest today. As a result of these updates, members of the Nest Community will need to change their password in order to continue participating in the community. In addition, The Nest community member's avatars will be replaced with generic default avatars. If you wish to revert to your original avatar, you will need to re-upload it via The Nest.
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Note: This only affects The Nest's community members and will not affect members on The Bump or The Knot.
Poss. Relocating to Columubus Area
Hello, Columbus nesties! My husband and I are looking at relocating to the Columbus area from Pittsburgh and are looking for some feedback.
What are your 3 favorite things about Columbus and 3 least favorite things?
Re: Poss. Relocating to Columubus Area
Favorite Things
- Great City with fantastic activities for young adults and families and fantastic schools!
- The Buckeyes
- Everything is close, big city that still feels like a small city
Not so good...
- Lots of cloudy days (statistically more than Seattle)
- roads always under construction
- not on the water (I grew up on Lake Michigan)
I would agree w/ pp poster. Lots of stuff to do, places to eat, and things to enjoy. Bad stuff would be the Ohio weather which I doubt Pitt would be much better, constant road construction, lack of good public transportation which the city is working on.
If you need any housing advice, I'm a local realtor for RE/MAX. Feel free to email me: shannalafontaine @ yahoo
GL, my cousin and her husband actually moved from C-bus to Pitt a couple years ago to be closer to family.
Recently moved out of Columbus... so I may be a bit biased.
(against it, of course).
1) OSU. After going to school there for 7 years, I should hope I love it. I love ohio state and anything associated with the university, even the obnoxious fans. Love 'em.
2) "great place to raise a family" (line i often used for the boss)... maybe a conservative family... who eats a lot.
3) "low cost of living" (relatively...compared to chicago... another line i often used)... but low cost of living at what expense? so i can buy a 4000sf house for $200k in the suburbs which results in me wasting tons of energy and land to provide a "shelter" for my 2person, 2 dog family? wonderful.
1) Tons of places to eat = fatness
2) Poor public transportation system. Um, if you've been to chicago, you'd understand. When the bus is labed X Street, it should continue on X street, not turn on Y street to end up on Z street. That's absurd. And people generally aren't for public transportation in Cbus. They love their very-energy-efficient-SUVs, especially with the extra large tires and the random confederate flag hanging out of a car in gahanna. Love it!
3) Lack of diversity-consciousness. Example: my husband and I (both filipino-americans) walk into a restaurant... what would people automatically think? "They must be brother and sister.."... or people thinking that the are around Children's Hospital/Nationwide Hospital is ghetto... ask them why? really... ask! Because guess what? Crime happens everywhere... in you backyard in upper arlington, and dublin, in gahanna, victorian village, italian village, grandview, westerville, worthington, lewis center, hilliard, grove city. It's every where! But certain areas are perceived as ghetto unfairly.
Overall... my time im columbus was well spent. I've lived in multiple areas and have enjoyed my time spent there and the people I have come to love... But the place? Pittsburgh maybe be the better option.... or Madision, WI or Chicago, or St. Paul,MN or St. Louis, or Minneapolis... think of other options.... Best of luck!