Hey! I have a bunny question for you.
Since we moved in a year and a half ago we have had a bunny living under our deck. It never bothered us or the dogs, so no big deal.
Well, not it has baby bunnies that are driving my dogs crazt (particularly Lola). The baby bunnies are curious and pop out when we take the dogs out and Lola would have had one the other day if H hadn't jerked her leash back.
I don't want anything to happen to the bunnies, and I don't want my pups to taste blood either. Is there anything we can do to get the bunnies to go live somewhere else? Especially since we are in the process of building a privacy fence.
Re: Zao
Wild rabbits are a little out of my realm (they are so different from domestic ones, it's crazy!).
The only thing I could think of would be to catch them and release them somewhere else, but that might be hard with multiple rabbits involved. If you have a local animal control, I would probably call them and ask for their recommendation.
Sorry I am not more helpful! Usually wild rabbits are actually "hares" which are completely different from a domestic rabbit.
I am in South Bend and around here it is illegal to relocate wildlife unless it is injured or damaging your house. The laws may depend on the county one is in. Call the DNR or Humane Society and they will know for sure. Maybe the laws are different and they can move them for you?????
I am not going to attempt to move them...no need to me to look stupid trying....