so we share office space w/another firm...all fine and dandy. we usually help each other out when needed, especially if we have co-defendants. today the other atty needed me to do something for him b/c his secretary is incapable of understanding mundane tasks. i was fine w/it b/c there is no one else in the office that can help him and there's a deadline. when i go and ask her for the file she starts with "i cannot believe he has the !!! to ask you to do this...blah blah blah. but this happens b/c you allow it, this is your fault. you're the idiot that allows this." I didn't say anything to her...I just said OK where's the file I need to do this. i bit my tongue soooo freakin' hard b/c it was still too early in the AM for me to start an argument. is her problem. this is what I felt like telling her....Sorry darling...No I'm not the idiot. B/c at the end of the year that attorney gives me a bonus check for the same freakin' amount he gives you!!! And I don't work for him. He has NO obligation to do that...unlike my boss who doesn't give you sh!t b/c you can't even handle greeting our clients correctly. 2nd...ur arss is getting fired in the next month or two b/c you are too incompetent to do anything right. and for the last 6 yrs of you working w/this attorney you've only gotten 1 raise....instead from my attorney I make twice what you make and haven't worked the same amount. Plus, all the attorneys that we work with have MARVELOUS things to say about me. Oh and not to add...yeah UR clients. UR clients decided to give me a GENEROUS gift for the baby b/c I was helping them. YEP that's didn't hear about it b/c of course no need to rub it in. But since I'm the idiot...I think you should know that.
Re: **work vent**
What a moron. At least you'll have the last laugh on the last day of her work....who's the idiot now?!?! lmao
Make a pregnancy ticker
Oh Girl, I can't believe she went off on you like that! Good for you for being the bigger person. Glad we could be here to allow you to vent away!
Now, breathe in breathe out. Stay calm for Isabella!
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
i laughed soo hard when i read this i almost cried!!! lol....thnx ladies for letting me vent. i feel much better now. plus I'm going to go buy myself a cupcake YAY
Wow some people have b*lls! You handled it much better than I would have..With all these hormones I would have gone postal!! Kudos to you and the excellent work you do!
You go girl!! and come vent to us all you want!
OMG - you are too funny!!!
I know it would have been hard for me not to say anything, I admire you!!!