Just an update from a previous post...
I received a call from the Oregon State Vital Records Dept today. The gal there confirmed that there is no record of our marriage in the counties we live, were married in, or got our license from.
I called the WA County office and spoke to the lady there. She tells me that I need to contact our officiant to see where the document is.
I contact our officiant (Yay for Bravo having a website), and this is our conversation:
ME: Hi, you married me and my husband on this date in 2006.
HER: Oh, hi, how are you?
ME: I am calling because (insert explained situation above). Our marriage isn't docuemented and we need for you to furnish the documents, they say the officiant keeps records...
HER: "Yeah, I keep the records. I am hoping to find it. I will start looking tomorrow for it."
ME: You're hoping to find it?
HER: Yeah, it's been three years. I keep all of them. Boy! This will motivate me to clean my house! (I'm thinking to myself, are you freaking kidding me?!)
ME: When should I call you back to follow up?
HER: Umm...how about whenever you feel that it's been long enough? (WTF? It's already been almost three years? Isn't that long enough?)
ME: I will call you on Monday, that way you have through the weekend.
HER: Okay, sheesh. I am hoping to find it. I am sure I have it somewhere. Has something happened and that's why you need it now?
ME: No, I just figured that it was time to have a copy.
HER: oh, okay, good. Talk to you soon...And thanks so much for calling
ME: Okay, thanks.
I begin to ball my eyes out.
Re: F/U Marriage License Update
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Seriously, are you kidding me? She probably didn't file it in the first place. I hope she finds it! When we got married we used a ULC ordained guy and he just gave us the form after he signed it and we took care of it.
Sorry you're having such a hard time.
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