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Poll: What is the most annoying thing...
your DH does?
I was LOL with a friend the other day about our SO's annoying bad habits. It's funny how many men do the same thing.
TTC #1 May/June 2008
CP 7.19.08
Dx with PCOS 3.27.09
HSG 7.15.09 = All clear
8.09 & 9.09(re-try) IUI #1/2 - Clomid 100mg Follistim 150iu Ovidrel=cancelled due to cysts
10.09 IUI #1/2 - Clomid 100mg Follistim 150iu Ovidrel Crinone 8%=BFP!
22mm Follie / 60mil & 48mil post wash counts
Beta #1 (14dpiui)= 102 Beta #2 (18dpiui)= 714
12.3.09 HB 135bpm
Our baby boy was born on 7.8.10 @ 38 weeks 2 days!
2:17pm 6lbs 8oz 20" long

Re: Poll: What is the most annoying thing...
He leaves his boxers on the bathroom floor everymorning after his shower and the rest of his clothes on our sofa everynight when he gets home from work. His socks? Under the coffee table.
Take your F'n clothes and put them in the hamper damn it!!!!!!
and the few times I'm lucky he actually takes the clothes to the hamper in the closet, they never end up IN the hamper. They are always on the floor RIGHT next to it. Seriously?
Other than that, he's a peach!
CP 7.19.08
Dx with PCOS 3.27.09
HSG 7.15.09 = All clear
8.09 & 9.09(re-try) IUI #1/2 - Clomid 100mg Follistim 150iu Ovidrel=cancelled due to cysts
10.09 IUI #1/2 - Clomid 100mg Follistim 150iu Ovidrel Crinone 8%=BFP!
22mm Follie / 60mil & 48mil post wash counts Beta #1 (14dpiui)= 102 Beta #2 (18dpiui)= 714 12.3.09 HB 135bpm
Our baby boy was born on 7.8.10 @ 38 weeks 2 days! 2:17pm 6lbs 8oz 20" long
My husbands OCD! He has to have certain things in the same place all the time (and half the time its places where I dont like them to be) ie: The newspaper on the left hand corner of the counter. I hate the newspapers on the counter. I like them in the garbage! lol. Or the coasters in a specific spot on my coffee table. Ughhhh.
Its not THAT bad. I do realize people suffer from real serious OCD and that it is nothing to joke about but he has it a little and it annoys me.
On a separate but related note, I used to work with this super funny reporter before he moved to NYC. He and his wife are big in the blog world. His wife now has a blog called "My husband is annoying." The blog is a huge hit. She blogs about all the annoying things he does. They are all over the talk shows. Check it out
Awww...Jenny DH is OCD too. And its really annoying when he starts "organizing" my things. I HATE IT!!! Omg...we've gotten into BIG arguments b/c he moves my blow dryer & iron from where I leave them. Serioulsy honey...they are in the BATHROOM b/c I need them there in the AM.
Then there is his chewing...EEK!!! He chews like a cow sometimes...and it gives me goosebumps!!! Its one of my pet peeves...I knew this before I married him and still decided to take the plunge. Now I'm trying to untrain that habit. Seriously...where the hell was his mom when he was little??? My parents were sooo picky w/our manners that G'd forbid we would eat like that we'd be grounded. YEP!! GROUNDED!! So the fact that he decides to CHOMP sometimes annoys me. I told him that he better stop before our daughter gets that habit...and if she does she'll be getting into trouble.
The list could go on forever, but they all stem from how unbelievably messy he can be!
Number one on my list: MAIL all over the dining room table. OMG, this drives me absolutely insane.
Anthony is responsible for bringing in the mail. When he gets in, he goes through all the envelopes and leaves EVERYTHING strewn about all over the dining room table. He keeps coupons and flyers that I know he is never going to use and when I complain that they are still sitting on the counter, he swears he is going to use them at some point. Para matarlo.
Second, is the soda cans and wrappers he leaves all over the living room. How hard is it to throw them away? Really?
Third are the shoes he leaves all over the house. Especially his smelly work shoes. I literally just kick them from wherever he leaves them into his closet.
You know, when I first met him he was never this messy - but since we live together I feel like he has gotten waaayyy too spoiled! He knows I'm going to clean up after him because I can't stand the mess. Also, I feel bad because he works so hard and when he comes home he is just too tired to worry about being neat - but I work hard too, damn it! lol..
OMG Jenny...that blog is hilarious. I haven't stopped laughing since I started reading it. I'm glad to know there are other husbands out there that resemble mine.
LOL..I can write a book. the most annoying thing is he leaves his shoes everywhere around the house, sneakers sandals you name it, its everywhere... His nightstand is filled with change, money, wallet, papers, OMG it drives me insane so I just shove it all in the drawer..
DH tends to leave stuff, clothes, etc., lying around, but it's not too bad. He also seems to miss the laundry hamper. I don't quite get it...
But, the one thing that annoys me is how he occasionally clears his throat. He gets on this kick and it's never ending. I try not to exhibit my annoyance, though, because I feel like he probably can't help it and I don't want to make him feel bad.
But it grates on my nerves.
Jenny, thanks for sharing this blog! It's very entertaining...
DH leaves clothes all over the house sometimes, but I've learned to deal with it. There are worse habits one can have, so I just pick it up.
I do hate that he leaves ALL his shoes by the front door as he takes them off. He eventually picks them up at the end of the week, but it is embarrassing when unexpected visitors come during the week. And lately I can't be bending down too often, so I've been leaving them there.
I do hate that when he completes a project (ie, putting up lamps), he leaves all his "equimpent" (ie, drill, hammer, etc) in the room where the lamps were put up! Or when he's searching for something, and empties out a drawer/cabinet, when he finds the item in search for, he leaves the rest out!
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
Like many of you my list is LONG!
However, my biggest comments are, trash and dirty dishes left everywhere. Nothing ever makes it in the trash or the sink unless I am sitting right next to him when he gets up and ask him NICELY (hand it to him) to put it in the trash or the sink. Oh and the Cig and crew containers, never make it in the trash either.
Then there is the clearing his throat, EWWW makes me sick every time he does it. Which must be a family thing because his brother and his dad do the same thing. sooooo gross. But I have to say his brother is way more gross because he spits either in the sink or the trash instead of outside. I do thank DH for at least not doing that.
Sorry so long but I have to complain about my BIL since he lives with us and its like having two of the same people.
I did all the dishes and loaded the dish washer last night before and after dinner and my kitchen was all clean and nice, what does BIL do, comes home takes all the dinner stuff out of the frig spreads it out on the counter, then leaves it there, and doesn't wash his dirty dishes. What am I his maid too?? Damn I just wanted to slap him this morning. lol
Oh my DH does that tooo. then I ask him to pick it up and 3 days later its still laying out. I should know by now to just pick it up myself and not say anything.
One more - DH somehow always manages to dirty his clothes, especially khaki pants/shorts! Every single pair of khaki pants/shorts are stained. Everytime I wash them, I drench them in Shout, but it is too late now. I told him I'm never buying him a pair of khaki anything! He's stuck wearing blue and black the rest of his life. LOL
The other day, he came home and showed me every single stain he collected that day LOL It was quite entertaining. But most of the time, he has no idea how they got there.
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
DH is super anal when it comes to organization and cleanliness, 99% of the time. Usually when we fight about being messy or things not being in place, I am the one who is in trouble because I tend to leave stuff lying around whereas he is really good about picking up after himself. But then he has these little things here and there that are totally out of line with the rest of his OCD personality and they drive me insane. For example, I think dog food is pretty gross. When I feed the pups, I try not to smell it too much and if any gets on my hands, I freak out and have to wash my hands right away. After I feed them, the can goes directly in the garbage and I have to completely rinse the fork I used and make sure any remnants of dog food go all the way down the drain. Well, DH loves to feed them and then LEAVE THE EMPTY, OPEN CAN ON THE COUNTER. I swear, he does it to torture me. And then he'll throw the dirty fork full of dog food into the sink without even rinsing it or wiping it, so all the food stays there until I come along and clean it. It drives me freaking crazy.
I would say his other major annoying habit - which has nothing to do with cleanliness or household stuff - is that he gets mad and loses his temper over the stupidest things. I am a pretty happy-go-lucky person and it takes a lot for me to get in a bad mood. But DH seriously gets mad about the stupidest not being able to find a parking space somewhere or having to wait in line for too long. He gets really pissed and starts cursing under his breath. This annoys me SO much. It usually only lasts a minute and he gets over it really quickly, but I don't understand why he lets such simple, every day things get him all riled up in the first place.
Oh Jackie- your DH & mine must be related. Instead of staining everything...he makes HOLES!!! Yes full blown holes in his pants and shorts. There are a pair of jeans that have sooo many freakin' holes it looks like swiss cheese. I ask him how he makes them and he doesn't know. I told him he is not getting new pants until he learns to take care of what he has. Seriously...why do they do this?
That is EXACTLY what my husband does to me - among a million other TV is the big one...we actually have the "sleep" mode on the TV but does he use it...NO!!! I end up having to turn it off about 2-3am every night. Noit only that but he falls alseep to the cartoon network!!
Another thing is that whe he cooks - he dirtys every pot and pan in the kitchen. He;s a great cook (when has the time) but leaves the kitchen such a mess that it makes you want to kill him. I'm the type that cooks and washes at the same time so afterwards all you have are the dishes....he dirtys and finds the pots that I never even knew we had..LOL...
My DH is a holey pant man too. But instead of just throwing them away he wears them and says that they are just getting comfortable. WHAT!! No one wants to see your private
That blog is halarious, I've been reading it all morning! LOL
OMG sounds exactly like my husband. My hubby needs the directv remote to be in the same spot on the couch whenever he turns off the tv... but the DVD, Radio and DVR remotes all have another spot on a sofa side table? So weird!
Sorry about the bolded response before...
More stuff -- I have no clue how he picked this up but he shakes the bed with his foot and that's his way of falling asleep. It's like he needs to be rocked to sleep. If his Mom taught him that I'll kill her. In his defense as far as annoying habits, I will say that mine to him is that I usually rinse my dish and leave it in the sink. I guess I just don't realize I do it. I also am the mail culprit that someone mentioned before. I do leave the mail on the counter to just pile up. Another of his is that if we use a pot or cookie sheet that ends up having pretty caked on stuff on it he'll just fill it with water but not bother to try to rinse off as much as he can. So, I'll see it like all black the next day with crap floating around.