Dear Target,
While I am very happy you are stocking the Bert's Bees Mama Bee line so that I can now rub my big ole prego belly with balm, I have to wonder your thought process in where you placed it? You see, pregnant women are not really good at the whole bendy thing and when you place afore mentioned product near the FLOOR. It makes it kind of difficult to reach.
Bonus points for when I mentioned it to customer service and told them that being only 5 months pregnant and having a hard time reaching it, would mean that other women who were bigger would have a worse time, the CS guy gave me an incredulous look that said he didn't believe that I was 5 months pregnant. Yes, I realize I have a small bump, but I can assure you by the child dancing a jig on my bladder that I am indeed knocked up and still CANNOT BEND that well.
Re: Grrrr Target lacks common sense (vent)
LOL you're right - the product placement is a bit off.
Geek - didn't know you were pregnant! Maybe I missed your announcement. Congrats!