OK so I forgot to add this to my other post so here goes.
Back in June we took DD to a hearing specialist who told us that she has mild to moderate hearing loss... We then went to the ENT who said she would need tubes but allowed us to try a 2 month no dairy diet to see if that was the problem. We went back for her follow up visit on Wednesday and there have been no changes in her hearing so the ENT said it's time to go ahead with the tube surgery and possibly take out her adenoid tonsils as well.
She is scheduled for surgery in 2 1/2 weeks.
This isn't something I'm looking forward to... They have to put her under general anesthesia for the surgery which makes me a bit nervous. Her hearing loss should improve a lot after the surgery though.
Re: Update on DD's hearing loss
IUI #3 gave us the best 2nd anniv. gift ever: 2 babies! (born 03/09/10)
Peanut and Little Man are getting so big! 2 years old already!
finally blogging again at This Will Be: An Adventure
Two Mommies Healing Hearts