Just curious if anybody else has experienced anything similar to this.
Since getting married I have noticed some people no longer seem to want to hang out anymore. My husband is away on business often so it's not like we're THAT couple who is attached at the hip and does everything together. I have tried numerous times to go out with my friends but it seems that apparently I was only "worth hanging out with" when I was single. I have been flaked on quite a few times when trying to plan things with my friends (most of whom are single) and they never even call me to do anything, I usually have to contact them to try to do something. I don't get it. I am not any different of a person than I was before being married.
Re: Just wondering...
wow, nice first post.
and yes, it's true - there are some folks who don't feel comfortable hanging out with friends who have moved on to a different place in their lives. the flakiness isn't cool whether you're married or not, and if they're making no effort to contact you anymore, methinks it's time to move on and find new friends.