Ok, we've decided on a date and now we need to pick a time and a location.
I need to see if I can find brunch places on the Northside because I am only familiar with places downtown or in Broad Ripple.
Current options (I think): Scholar's Inn, Three Sisters Restaurant, Cafe Patachou (X3)/Petite Chou/Patachou @the Park, Le Peep, Pucks, The LS Ayres tea room at ISM, Au Bon Pain and I'm sure I'm forgetting a couple.
http://www.cafepatachou.com/; http://www.scholarsinn.com/IndyLounge/index.html; http://www.lepeep.com/ ; http://www.imamuseum.org/connect/pucks; http://www.in.gov/ism/VisitorInfo/Restaurants/tearoom.aspx; http://www.aubonpain.com/
I know this has been going around in emails, but children are welcome! Just let me know how many and what type of seating you will need when I make reservations since I don't know those things
If you are interested in attending, please email me and I will add you to the email list puboilerbride AT gmail.com - Elisabeth
Re: Nestie GTG - Sun June 29th (Time TBD/Loc. POLL)
When the Indiana State Museum was opened, they included the "LS Tea Room" as one of their dining options-- It's a replica of the real Tea Room. They found the original chairs at some restaurant auction and had the cutlery and carpets specially made to match. So, even though Carson Pierre Scott is now at the original LS Ayres spot downtown, we'll always have the replica of the Tea Room at the State Museum!
I am in! Plus it will be a great way for me to meet some people! We are moving to Indy and I will actually start working in Indy a few days a week next month.
Thanks ladies! Just let me know when and where and I will be there
It will be a nice chance to meet some new people 
As I said in the email, I'm in depending on the date and whether kids are ok. April, here is Miss Sarah, born 4/19/08:
Sorry about the link I have no idea how to work this new format!
And here's Ben, he turned three yesterday: