Okay so picture this: You are in the left hand turning lane to get onto I-385. Your light is red, and the people coming off 385 and going left have a green light. Why is there ALWAYS one or 2 cars who block the turning lane, cause they THOUGHT they could make it thru before the light turned? So now I can't make my left to get onto 385, cause some bonehead is in the middle of the intersection. Seriously, if the light is green, but you KNOW your car is going to stick out in the middle of the road, don't go! This also happens (I notice) coming off of I-85 at Woodruff to make that left to go to Target. People block the traffic all the time in all different directions and cause bottlenecking. It annoys the crap out of me.
Re: Traffic vent
Oh man I've seen that happen too! It seems to me that really all they would have to do is station a polic officerr there for a few days and have him start ticketing people who do that... eventually word will spread that they are watching that area... Just to keep the fear in people I would at least station someone there every couple weeks for a few hours at rush hour.
Though I must say even with the morons that do stuff like that, traffic here is still nothing compared to DC or Atlanta and I give thanks daily for that fact.
Agreed traffic in DC and Atlanta is worse but I think we might have the greater population of bad drivers.
Just this morning traffic was stopped on the interstate by a chick who was trying to get on the off ramp... SHE STOPPED in the lane to let the on ramp traffic get in front of her....