Hi :-) No we aren't sure what the sex is yet. Baby was shy and they even had trouble looking at the heart and such since it's back was facing us. There is another chance to see baby on Friday.... we're having a ultrasound at the Prenatal Diagnostic Center in Meriter. (that's were higher risk doctors are) My doctor wants them to make the the cerivx isn't getting shorter. I'm prettty sure I've had a couple real contratctions lately and bad cramps. The only way I know is since I've been in labor before.
Friday I also have a regular Dr. appt with my regular Dr. and she then wants to see me every two weeks after that. I'll be 24weeks then. SO quite early to be seen every two weeks. They knew this would happen with this pregnancy because I have a bi-cornate uterus. Which means it's heart shaped and baby only had room on my left side. DS just plainly ran out of room and he was also breech. If this baby isn't breech I could still maybe deliver normaly without a c-section.
PS If we do find out Friday, it's still going to be mine and dh secret ;-) We don't plan telling anyone, which is driving MIL nuts!
Re: jenni822
Well, good luck Friday, hopefully the baby will cooperate. That is neat that you are keeping it secret, I could never do that!
It is nice that they know what happened with the first pregnancy. My ob told me (in not so many words) "Aw, shucks, better luck next time....without any explanation. Yeah, I am changing doctors!
Good luck with everything!