*waving* Hi ladies---I'm sorry I'm rarely on this board, but I do lurk (lowers head in shame).
Anyways---DH and I live on the west side of Indianapolis. I am a former teacher, who taught for 4 years before deciding it wasn't what I wanted to do with my life (sucks, after spending 4 years on a private university education...). I'm currently working in an exec admin position, but have decided that I really want to get into nursing--it's been in the back of my mind for awhile and just never really took the first step to do it.
I'm taking some classes that I will need as pre-reqs for any nursing program, but am really hoping to get out of this current job (that is HORRIBLE) and into something part-time in a medical environment to really get some experience while going through school.
I've been searching, but can't seem to find any positions that are available for people without some type of licensing--I'm just looking for clerical or something along those lines.
Any ideas? Anyone on here been through nursing school? Suggestions? Advice?
Thanks, ladies--this is totally long, and you deserve a big cookie if you read to the bottom :-)
Re: Need school/job advice, ladies :-)
I am a nurse. Feel free to email me at Loytj at aol dot com.
I'm heading outside to weed right now, but I can probably help you figure out some places/jobs to apply for.
I worked in college as a nurses aid. That's been years but then it didn't require me to be a CNA , I don't know if there are still hospital's out there like that. The hospital did their own training program. I would think once you get into nursing school, you could definitely get a job doing this. I thought I wanted to be a nurse, which is why I went and got the job. Good thing because nursing was not for me. It's definitely something you are born to do, you know. So now I work on the other side with patient satisfaction, no more bedside care for me. There are also jobs like admissions, unit secretary's, etc. I would search all of the systems in Indy- Clarion, St. V's, St. Francis, Hendricks....
Good Luck!
Definitely...if it's only a couple weeks long that's no biggie at all---where do I look for this? When I was looking before, I was finding things that were much longer---I obviously must be looking in the wrong place :-) That's definitely an option for me!!
And I must say---you ladies are terrific!
I think that you're a bit limited since most things require a license or some type of training, but the above are good suggestions. Also, like I mentioned, sometimes just having the exposure is good.