It's been a VERY rough week, between teething and getting him used to sleeping without the swaddleme blanket. ?I wasn't in a big rush to break the swaddling habit, but he started rolling on his stomach a lot and then would be stuck since he couldn't get his hands out. ?Then he started to fight us at night when we would put it on him. ?So we just went cold turkey! ?The first few nights were AWFUL- he woke up every hour or two- not sure what to do with his hands since they're free. ?Then, something magical happened...he discovered that he could now sleep on his side- so he curled into a little ball and went to sleep! ?The night before last we only had to go in a few times to pat his butt and soothe him back to sleep. ?Last night, I went in ZERO times!!! He STTN!!! ?Well, for him, the horrible sleeper, he STTN. ?He slept from 12-6! ?Got up, changed him, fed him, he played for awhile and was ready to nap by a little after 6. ?Put him down for a nap, I went back to bed and I had to wake him up at 11 in order to get to my 11:30 dr appt!!! ?Then took another 2 1/2 hour nap earlier today.
PPPPPlease send some Nestie Dust that my child is getting into better sleep habits. ?We are slowly trying to get him to bed earlier at night too. After 6 months of very little sleep, I am so excited about his progress!
Thanks for listening. ?I was so excited and wanted to share.?
Re: AW: We broke the swaddling habit!!!
Sounds like you are on a roll! Ben is sleeping again, congrats! I hope this is the beginning of something very good for your family. I on the other hand am trying to encouage Jason to swaddle Owen in the afternoon to encourage him to take a nap instead of the constant fussng I hear so mcuh about, at daycare they say they swaddle him, give him his binky and he puts himself to sleep! Here, not so much!
Congrats again, dust that it stays!!! and I need to get to bed myself! I got out of work early today and napped with Owen!