with your kids? I get the whole him/her solo trips without kids...but wondering other people's thoughts.
DH was laid off last month (boo) but landed a much better position closer to home with a significant pay increase and now no commute (yay)
We have a Disney trip booked in Sept. My mom goes with us anyways, so she's already booked to go. DH cannot come for the entire trip (10 days) maybe he can sneak down for a weekend...but that remains to be seen. With his job, we'll all actually be taking a trip to Seattle like 2 weeks after Disney.
I still plan on going to Disney. DH made a couple comments but I think mostly joking. He is not a Disney person, and this is my 4 year old's 3rd trip so its not like he hasn't done Disney with the kids...
We have free dining and vouchers to fly set to expire if we do not use them for this trip, so its not just a matter of pushing the trip back because there are "logistics"
I tol DH we could go again in January if he was really heartbroken. He was not amused.
so would you go? I really don't even feel badly about going...but maybe I'm a weirdo. I love traveling with my mom...we're on the same page about a lot when it comes to vacationing.
(PS DH is leaving for his second solo trip to CO in the past 10 months 2 weeks from today)
Re: Poll; Would you travel without your DH...
YAY!! Congrats on his new job!!!
And yes, I've gone without Adam. Remember our trip to Disney last summer with Maddie? No Adam, just MIL! As long as you'll be fine with the kids and your mom alone, go for it!?
Absolutely!! You can't miss out on Free Dining and the free tickets! Plus you will have your mom there. You sound just like a Disney addict, just like me! lol I cant wait to see how many times we have Connor down to Disney before his 5th birthday!
You will have a great time!