New Hampshire Nesties
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Hi there...I come out here and "lurk" occasionally. I saw your picture with Austin in your post below and wanted to say Congratulations! You were in my weekend baby class at Nini Bambini!! I am the blond girl with the sandy brown/blond haired husband. I had my baby a LOT later than you! He came 2.5 weeks LATE!! His name is Jackson but we call him Jack. I was wondering if you go to Nini Bambini's Wed. mother's group? If you do, can you let me know how it is? I was thinking about going next week but I am nervous
Re: *Mrs. Magoo*
OMG, yes! After our childbirth class, my husband, Tom, mentioned to me (because your husband mentioned it to him) that you were a nestie too!! I said to him: "Why didn't you tell me that in class!!!" LOL!
Thank you for your congrats - same to you!! I love his name
Wow, he did come late for you, holy moly!! I'm sure he is nice and healthy though, right?
I do go to the Nini mommy's group every week - I love it and find it really helpful...actually a couple of ladies on this board go there too and they really enjoy it as well...and I don't know if you remember Stacey from our childbirth class (the tall one) - but I worked with her father and told him to tell her to go to the mommy's group, so she goes now every week too - you should come!
It's very nerve wracking every week for me to go out with Austin, but I do it for my sanity and the moms that go there are so nice and Nina is just great...
I'm so happy you found me and said "hi"
Awesome...I will have to try to make it out. I am worried that he won't cooperate but we will try!! He normally sleeps until 9ish so it might be a struggle to get out the door! I am so nervous he will start screaming in class...please tell me that happens at the group! What actually goes on? Is it more of an informal get together sort of thing??
Austin is adorable...Jack is 3 1/2 weeks old and doing well! He LOVEs to eat and sleeps pretty well so I lucked out with that. I try to take him out every other day or so to different places and he does pretty good. Hopefully, we will see you soon!
OMG, so don't worry about him screaming in class! TONS of babies there do that - Nina always has a way of calming the cranky ones
Usually we sit in a circle on the floor, go around the room and introduce ourselves and our babies, talk about what is going on with them or any concerns or questions, achievements or anything that's on your mind - even the husbands or ILs are subjects brought up - anything goes
I hope to see you there!