Let's chat. I just got a huge MemberSavings Book (baby edition). I'm going to use very little of it. I hate to see it go to waste...
Things with coupons in the book:
Berkley & Jensen Diapers and wipes GONE
Luvs diapers & wipes
Pampers Easy Ups GONE and Baby Dry , Swaddlers Sensitive GONE and Cruisers Ultra Absorbency diapers GONE
Motrin or Viactiv
Johnson's Head to toe baby wash or baby lotion
Clorox 2 regular or free and clear GONE
dreft liquid GONE
Berkley & Jensen formula
Similac Advance , Isomil advance, or similac organic formula- GONE
Gerber Baby food or juice
Beech nut stage 2 variety pack
Rice Krispies
Betty Crocker scooby doo and Looney tunes flavored fruit snacks
Hershey's 100 Calorie Bars (wtf are they trying to say?)
Wet Ones antbacterial wipes
Gerber onesies GONE
Baby Gear onesies
Lil Critters Gummy Vites GONE
Herbal Essences or Aussie Shampoo/Conditioner
Olay Facial Moisturizer
Folgers Coffee
Re: Nashua area BJ's members who are mamas...
I would love:
Lil Critters Gummy Vites
Gerber onesies
I'm starting to stock up! My BJ coupon book goes to my mom, we share our membership. I will email you!
I'll take the easy ups and Similac advance if you don't mind mailing them...let me know mama2drake@yahoo.com
Thanks, H. ?I appreciate it. ?Every little bit helps! ?What diaps do you use? ?I'm always clipping coupons and have some Huggies ones if you want them (good at CVS)...?