Phoenix Nesties
Dear Community,
Our tech team has launched updates to The Nest today. As a result of these updates, members of the Nest Community will need to change their password in order to continue participating in the community. In addition, The Nest community member's avatars will be replaced with generic default avatars. If you wish to revert to your original avatar, you will need to re-upload it via The Nest.
If you have questions about this, please email
Thank you.
Note: This only affects The Nest's community members and will not affect members on The Bump or The Knot.
I've missed you guys! My work has put the kabosh on any non-work related internet browsing, so I haven't been able to get on during the day. Boo.
How was everyone's evening? Mine was okay. I was in a bit of a funk yesterday, but today's a new day, right?
Nothing exciting on the agenda today... work, home, eat & sleep. Woo hoo! 
Hope everyone has a good day!
Re: Good morning ladies!
My evening was ... well it wasnt good but Oh well! Nothing I can do now.
That stinks that your work wont let you online to the nest anymore. Seems that is becoming more and more every day!
Last night was a good night. I was really excited to get some time with our TV. Lately I've spent my evenings in our bedroom reading because roomie has been watching football. I can take a game or two...but football drives me nuts, especially combined with his clapping, cheering and yells when something important happens. But last night was the season start of One Tree Hill (I can't break the habit...) and I was determined that I would watch, Monday night football shmootball.
So I called DH on the way home and he promised that roomie wouldn't interfere and it would be my time with the TV
Plus he ordered pizza so I wouldn't have to cook. I love him. After OTH I read in bed for awhile I fell asleep early.
Hopefully today goes smoothly. I'm planning on making Indian food for dinner. Chicken Tiki Masala and garlic Naan... I can't wait! Yum!
Jaye, I hope you don't mind that I've made plans to come over and sit at your dinner table tonight. That sounds de-lish! But, no, actually, I plan on going home and crawling in the fetal position and staying that way for the rest of the night.
I'm on day two of my get-back-in-shape and train-for-half-marathon spree. I ran three miles yesterday, only to be reminded that it was also my first day of belly dancing class! I'd completely forgotten! So I went there and had a BLAST with my girlfriend. It was so fun, and we're even learning dances to possibly be performed at the State Fair! MH said he'd come and watch me.
Then I got up this morning and ran again. I am so sore, thus my plan to enter fetal position and stay there.
You know I'm making it in your honour
Jaye- I'm jealous! That's my FAVORITE Indian Dish.
I flew to Ann Arbor today- where I'm currently sitting in my hotel room, where its 11pm...and it's actually 8pm to my body (tomorrow will be a long day).
I'm really not wanting to be traveling right now- I just want to be home with Hubby
Jaye that dinner does sound delicious. I hope it came out well.
Shawna, welcome to the "sometimes" evening crew. I find it's a lot harder to nest at night with everything else going on when I get home from work.