Wisconsin Nesties
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So my good friend just scored tix to Sunday's game. Despite being born & raised in Wisconsin I've never been to a Packer's home game, and she's only gone once when it was pouring rain. Any advice on parking, tailgating, when to start heading north from Milwaukee Sunday morning, etc? We're considering just signing up for the tailgate party at Favre's Steakhouse. Anyone done that? I'm totally psyched to go, and having some good inside knowledge will help make it a smooth ride. TIA!
Re: First Trip to Lambeau!!!
I don't have much in terms of advice for you, but HAVE FUN!!
Both Hwys 41 and 43 will be busy with Packer traffic, I'm not sure if one is better than another.. just go early, the excitement starts at sun-up, I don't think it's possible to get there "too early"
oh, and wander around alot and see all of the crazy tailgates (themes, extreme fans, etc) ..
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That's fantastic that you get to go! Have fun! You definitely can't start out too early. There will be traffic, and it will just get heavier as game time approaches. I would plan to leave around 7, maybe 8, at the latest for a noon game. Since you don't have too much time, a party like the one at Brett Favre Steakhouse would be a great idea. As for parking, if you're willing to walk a little bit, there are neighborhoods all around the stadium with street parking that goes fast and yard parking that's not too expensive.
I agree with PP about finding a nearby yard to park in - every time we've been to a game, we've parked in someone's yard. It's not too expensive, you can get in and out easily & it's just a short walk to the stadium.
We always left town (when we lived in MKE) around 8 or 9...usually because the games we went to were in the dead of winter & I didn't want to sit outside much longer than I needed to, so arriving around 10 or 11 was perfect for us. Traffic does get heavier the closer it is to game time, but my husband is like master navigator & we found our way around (we always took a different exit instead of the one for Lombardi Ave). Since we never parked at the stadium, this allowed us to find some "little known" yards/places to park for cheap.
Have a good time! It'll be so much fun
There is a better way to go, I just don't know it off the top of my head---looking at a map might help---but when you get up near GB, you get off 41 near Wrightstown I believe and it's highway U that you can take up there---you aviod the traffic halts that way.
I could be totally off on my directions, but I do know that it's faster if you take a back road into town.