My friend called me today and started b!tching about all her problems with buying a house. Actually, she was just complaining that she will have to take time off of work to have the walk through the day of the closing. She told me that me and DH's stress over buying a house wasn't as bad as hers was. Hello!!! We've been in limbo for over 75 days now, and we don't know when we will know for sure, and our closing date is in 2 weeks and we already gave our 30 day notice to move out. But yes, you're right, our stress isn't even close to you having to take time off of work to have your closing on the house you know you have, and you waited all of 2 days to find out you had it in the first place.
Then she proceeded to ask if I wanted to help her pack up some stuff and move, the day we will hopefully be closing! She said that if I'm not busy (yeah right) I could help her. Even if we don't get the house, I'm sure helping someone else move isn't going to be at the top of my "to do" list. Sorry, it will probably make me just a little sad that we didn't get a house but have been looking for like 9 months and she got one after what, a month of looking and putting down 1 offer and having it accepted right away. Screw off! Is it wine thirty yet?
Thanks for listening to my vent. I just couldn't believe her selfishness today.
Re: Why are friends stupid sometimes?
i really wonder too.. I feel your pain.
I had a huge exam today of course my friend wants me to drive an hour half down to her house and chill. I explaiend i cant i have an exam to do she didnt get it. I WANNA BE OUT OF SCHOOL DAMNIT
FRIENDS!! cant live with them , cant live WITHOUT them
OUCH! She sounds like she is very excited about moving and therefore cannot see beyond her own tunnel vision to realize that this isn't the greatest time to be asking you for help with her move. Hopefully she will realize that you have your own crisis to deal with and maybe she will step up and try to help you in any way she can.
Anywho, 10+ hours till wine-thirty!