Not only did he sleep from 6:00pm - 4:00am (we put him to bed extra early because he did not get all his naps in and he was overtired), but this morning he took a bottle with no struggle at all!! Well a bit of a struggle...
Tom tried giving him a bottle of formula while I was in the shower (we gave formula because we had been wasting breastmilk trying to get him to take a bottle)...he tried without then I told him to let me try and Austin wouldn't take it from me either, he screamed and cried...So I calmed him down and had a little "chat" with him and told him that he would still have mommy, but every now and then she needed to get out and he had to let daddy give him a we struggled a bit more and then I put the bottle through my nursing bra and held him like I was nursing him and he latched onto the bottle and took 1oz. I then asked Tom if he wanted to he did and Austin took the remaining 3oz
without a cry, wimper, or scream and was totally content after
We'll have to keep trying to give it to him, but I told Tom that the next time I go out, I will leave him with a nursing pad he can put near Austin while he takes the bottle....(oh and he did take the Born Free bottle BTW, so it wasn't the nipple of the bottle)
This is SO huge. I was crying in mommy group about it on Wednesday because I was so upset about leaving Austin with Tom to go out, because I knew he wouldn't take a bottle - but thanks to Kate mentioning (thank you Kate) about fooling Bennett to take a pacifier, I tried the same trick with the bottle....I'm just so on cloud 9 now
Re: Austin made my day today
WOOHOOO! Lisa that is such great news for you, Tom and Austin!! Connor also slept like a mad man, went down at 7:30 woke up @ 4am! After not having a decent nap all day he was WAAY overtired. I tried to have him cry for the 15 mins @ about 4ish...he wasnt having it so I Moby'ed him and just calmed him. Then about 7 I put him down he fussed. He would go to sleep, wake up, then repeat! ugh He finally went out at 7:15ish and I brought Jeff the monitor and said "I dont trust myself that if he cries I will go console him" so Jeff took it and 20 mins later came to tell me he was out after crying for 10 mins!
I think he had so much "extra" energy and was still fighting sleep that he just needed to get it out.
I am sooooo happy about him taking the bottle and very smart using your bra to "trick" him!! I am beyond happy for all of you!! Yea Austin!!
I just got your message this morning - and emailed you on myspace - I know how hard that must have been for you - but look how great he slept! Go Connor!!! You're doing a great job
Austin was overtired too last night and got maybe a 30 min nap in yesterday afternoon and then when he did finally get down to sleep after me telling his cry a bit, he ended up waking up with a poopie diaper - damn poop! So then we just put him down early and he was good to go I'm telling ya, the timer works wonders, because then you don't have to watch the clock when they cry...
I am so happy for you! Glad my trick worked! You are going to feel so much better knowing you can leave sometimes.