I have never been so upset/angry/disppointed IN my own daughter.
I know i am being very hard on her but give me time to cool down.
I got a nice phone call from the school, they inform me that mydaughter is going to be suspended for the rest of the school, of course im thinking wtf ?
yah she got cigs and handed out to her freinds IN SCHOOL. She text me and told me why.( very brave of her ) I wanted to JUMP THROUGH THE PHONE AND WRING HER NECK.
I dont smoke, so it isnt from this house. I wanna know how she got it. She told me she s been hanging with group of people who smoke, now i dont belive in ordering not to hang with them cuz it will make them do it even more. I explained my feelings and explained hers too i trusted her not to do this stupid thing. I know its all the jr high school stage where everyone is finding a group to hang with. this isnt hte way to go, she came to me and told me about this little group.
I decided for the summer we are DOING NOTHING. no 6 flags, no water country no nothing. We will go to the lake all summer long thats it..I know that is harash. I m thinking maybe in august we will do something but till then.
I hate jr high crap i got 3 more girls to go thru YAY cant wait....
Re: very much needed vent
Jr. High is such a difficult time. My husband has a 13 yr old daughter and sometimes I have to wonder just where here head is. But like you say, this is the age that they are trying to figure out who to hang out with and who they are as a person.
I give your daughter alot of credit for texting you about what happened. That shows that she is not afraid to talk to you about certain things and that is a big thing at this age.
Hang in there. I am sure she has a good head on her shoulders. She may do some stupid things along the way, but she will grow up just fine.
its awful! i have ot agree your right , she wasnt afraid to talk to me and tell me the truth what happen. Im so mad she is such a great kid, i think i felt like i was a horriable mother cuz this happened. ( shes 12 so we ll be needng more support from each other LOL )
Whenever step-daughter does something not so smart, I try to remember being that age and I remember that thinking wasn't exactly on the top of my priority list.
All kids do stupid things. They are going to test the boundarys from time to time. It is not a relection on you.
Besides if they are perfect all the time, we would think there was something wrong anyway, right?
too true... id rather have a kid thats a good and makes stupid mistakes then learns from it. rather have a out of control child who will do anyhting to be stupid.
I don't remember jr. high being like this even when I was there not too long ago. I can't believe the number of kids at my school that have sex, do drugs, smoke and drink. It is a ridiculous number.
I try to put myself in their position when I'm thinking about this stuff, but sometimes, I really can't.
I hope things work out with your daughter. I'm so glad she feels she can talk with you, no problem. You're really lucky to have a relationship with her like that.
Aww Steph, I am sorry. I put my own mother through helll when I was in jr. high. She was not a bad mother and neither are you!
I remember jr. high being like that and all the junior high girls in my school do the same things, even in a Catholic school. She will get trhough it- just be consistant with her.You already know that though- because you are a great mom.