Fek- they totally are to me. I can't even count how many weddings we've been to in the last 3 years (maybe 20 or so? Maybe more? ) but I can only think of 3.. yes 3 people who sent out thank you notes for the gifts we gave them. WTF?
Now, I know they're a pain in the tush to send out- but geeze- It was a pain in the tush to go out of my way to go through their registry and get them something they want. The least they could do is write a fricken thank you note.
We're going to a wedding this Saturday and I'm digging through my cousins registry trying to pick something out for them and I'm not gonna lie- I'm a little annoyed I'm putting so much thought into this damn gift when I probabaly won't even get a thank you note.
I'm thinking should just post it on the wall and throw a dart and get whatever the dart lands on at this point because I dont' think they'll appreciate the amount of thought I'm putting into it.
Bitter party of one here.
Re: As a past bride are thank you notes a big deal to you?
Yes. I had mine out within 2 weeks after our wedding (we didn't take our honeymoon until a couple of months later). I don't hold people to my ridiculous time table, but I do expect to get a thank you for events like a wedding, baby shower, etc. Birthdays and Christmas, not so much. And I do remember those who don't send them.
Thank You Nazi
I'm assuming this is the FamBam?
I appreciate whatever TY I get, whether it's in person, via e-mail or a note. Although for a wedding I do expect a note.
Confession: I haven't even brought a gift to the last I don't know how many weddings I have been to. MH and I have separate $$, so I decided a long time ago that I will pay for the gifts for the weddings of my friends, and he pays for the gifts of the weddings of his friends. Well, MH is NOT a gift giver AT ALL, so these gifts for his friends never ever get purchased and we have shown up to wedding after wedding totally empty handed. He says he will send a gift later, but he never does.
At first I was super embarrassed about this, but I stopped caring. His friends, his problem, even though I'm sure they all point the finger at me, the wife. Whatev.
So, I haven't received a TY in a long time, but that's because I haven't given a gift in a long time.
I don't like most of his friends anyway, so they can all suck it.
this is a travesty.
YOu got it.
My mom asked me if I wanted to do the thing at my shower where you pass out envelopes for your guests to write their address on for the thank you notes. I gave her the major stink eye. If people are going to make an effort to come to a shower AND buy a gift, the least I can do is look up their freaking address.
I'm right there with you, my MOH did this at my shower without me knowing and after I found out I cringed. I understand you're trying to save me some time but its not that time consuming to look up addresses when I already have them all compiled on a spreadsheet together.
I'm a stickler about TY cards, when my old roommate sent us her TY card basically in time for her 1 yr anniversary, I b!tched to H for months about how ridiculous it is we didn't get a TY card. If nothing else, I just want to make sure you got my gift!
Although I did promptly send out my Thank You cards, I don't find it difficult to find anyone a wedding gift that I would expect a Thank You card for my efforts / time. All I need is to know is where they registered and have it delivered to their home. Is that hard? Geez...
Anyway, yeah, Thank You cards are a courteous thing to send.
Meh. I'm not really into thank you cards. Not really a big deal to me. Yeah, it's nice if I recieve one, every once in a while, but I don't really care when I don't get one. No biggie.