New Hampshire Nesties
Dear Community,
Our tech team has launched updates to The Nest today. As a result of these updates, members of the Nest Community will need to change their password in order to continue participating in the community. In addition, The Nest community member's avatars will be replaced with generic default avatars. If you wish to revert to your original avatar, you will need to re-upload it via The Nest.
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Thank you.
Note: This only affects The Nest's community members and will not affect members on The Bump or The Knot.
When I list my current job duties do I list all of them or just the important ones? My job entails alot of different little jobs ( if that makes sense), so I"m not sure if I should list ALL of them. I don't want it to be overwhelming to the reader or potential new employer, or annoying. The section is getting quite lengthy!

Somehow I lost my resume, so I"m typing up a whole new one. I haven't had to do this for years... so I"m kind of lost!! If someone is willing to critque it I'd more than happy to email it!! TIA!
Re: Resume ?
You should try to highlight the most duties of your current job that match the jobs you are looking for. Are you looking for a new job? i would be willing to take a look at your resume, but honestly I have no real experience in critiquing them. I am in a high demand field and a great resume isn't all that important for getting a job, breathing and holding a valid state license in speech are all i usually need! good luck
my email is
A great opportunity fell in my lap and I would be a fool not to look into it. = )So... hense the reason why I am re-doing my resume. The position would be the same position I am doing now just with a different company. So everything I currently do at my job now would apply to this other job.
I also think that a resume isn't all that important for a job. I think it has more to do wtih the way you present yourself, how you speak etc. = ) Thanks for the input..
Keep it to one page, and bullet point 5 or 6 major points of your job. You want to have your current job and show how it would be comparable to the job you are going for and also at least one (recent) previous job and also what skills were used in that job that can also be used in the job your going for. You also want to show progression from job to the next job.
A resume is really important to get you in the job and is very important. I completely agree that the inperson interview is the most important but if you (not you but the person interviewing) can not put together a well thought out description of yourself it might seal your fate (this can depend upon your job). Basically if your a great interviewer but your resume has misspellings or you look inadequate(on paper) b/c of current job description or worse it has the professionalism of a 5 year old (at least in vocabulary and appearance) then you possibley might not get that job. A good interview looks at how competent in person and on paper the person is.
Good luck Maura! And yea for the great opportunity! I hope it works out!
Maura, you would know better for your particular field. But, in general I find that in healthcare you can do a multi-page resume. In school, we were taught to do CVs versues resumes.
Good luck!