New Hampshire Nesties
Dear Community,
Our tech team has launched updates to The Nest today. As a result of these updates, members of the Nest Community will need to change their password in order to continue participating in the community. In addition, The Nest community member's avatars will be replaced with generic default avatars. If you wish to revert to your original avatar, you will need to re-upload it via The Nest.
If you have questions about this, please email
Thank you.
Note: This only affects The Nest's community members and will not affect members on The Bump or The Knot.
Hellooooo....(echo, echo, echo...)
Where is everyone? ?Did all of you join a secret board??

? It's so quiet today!
Re: Hellooooo....(echo, echo, echo...)
I like that you kicked the dog out too, haha!?
We're just laying low today. ?I went to BRU to get some overnight diaps for Ben as he had his very FIRST pee leak through a diaper (can you believe that?? First time in 6 months!! I heart Pampers!!) Also got some other stuff for our trip. ?It was a madhouse though.
We've been watching tv and taking naps and playing with the monkey. ?Sometimes it's so nice not to do anything!!!?
I'm here. We just got back from a going away party. Um, yeah...we very wayyyyyy late and there was only one other couple left. Oops!!!
Now Jesse is having man there are 5 guys downstairs playing xbox..I'm in our bedroom...I'm going to watch a movie soon.
I've been here on and off - I had a horrible horrible horrible day with Austin. Last night was great, but today he took one 1hr 15 minute nap then a 30 minute one and then another 30 minute nap that was supposed to be his long nap, but it was interrupted by poop - and, well, basically he's been up since 1:30pm and finally fell asleep around 5-5:30pm and has been asleep since. I was such a sad mess today - he had been doing so good with napping and today was a total fuss bucket. Literally, Tom and I would let him cry for 15 minutes and then console him for 15 minutes, put him back down and the cycle would begin again.
I don't even know if he got enough to eat today either, because he kept spitting up all the time too - he'd just nurse for the sake of nursing when I don't think he was even guess is he's going through a growth spurt....because I feel like I have no clue what he wants again...just when I thought I did...oh mantra: a fussy baby during the day is better than a fuss baby at night.
Sorry for my novel!
I'm here today. We had friends of ours up from Mass yesterday and it turned out to be quite the packed house! So we cleaned pretty much from when we woke up and I started prepping the food then ppl started showing up at around 12:30ish and didnt leave until 7! Then we were just beat. Even Connor slept from around 7 till 4am!!
I am trying to catch up a little today.