We had my family over today for Father's Day (our first married dinner party:-). I was envisioning sitting out of the deck with a frozen margarita, however the weather didn't agree. Anyways, I made this fruit dip from a recipe a friend gave me and wanted to share. It is so good and perfect for the summer.
Ingredients: (everything is to taste so I don't have any measurements)
Vanilla yogurt (I used Stonyfield Fat Free French Vanilla)
Cool Whip Brown Sugar Vanilla Extract cinnamon
Mix equal amounts of Cool whip and yogurt together (depending on how much you want to make).
Then add other ingredients to taste. I used a good amount of brown sugar, a little bit of cinnamon and a little vanilla extract.
Eat with strawberries, pineapple, canteloupe, grapes...
Re: *Great fruit dip recipe*