I swear it is one of my worst enemies sometimes...
Austin took 4 naps today (yay buddy!) and his last nap he got up around 4:30pm - we were at my parents and left to get him home and he was yawning in the car the whole way. When we got home I changed him into his PJs and he was "talking" to me and smiling the whole time - it was about 6pm at this point and I knew he was reaching the point of being overtired since he had been up for 1.5 hours...so I read him some stories and let him nurse for a bit of a snack and then put him down...he was smiling at me in his crib and I swaddled him and kissed him goodnight...
Then I could hear him babbling a bit over the monitor and I just felt so bad he was in the dark room by himself, when I could of been cuddling him - and began questioning myself if putting him to bed around 6:10pm was the right thing to do. I know in my heart of hearts that he would have been a crying mess had I kept him up longer though...and since 6:10pm, he's been sleeping and is down for the night....ugh! I just hate when I feel that way though!
Oh and he only really nursed about 4 times total today, including his 2am feeding and had about 2 "snacks", which I just am SO not used to...he's totally throwing me for a loop!
Re: I hate second guessing myself!
You are doing a good job right now, I know the feeling. But if he wanted you he will cry for you. Someteims its good to let a baby be alone. It is sorta like OK GIMMIE MY SPACE I WANNA BE ALONE.
My girls used to do it to me all the time when i wanted to grab them up and hold them all night
Oh hun, i know what you mean but he needs his rest and that is his way of cocking out. You often tell me he talks to himself and its probably his self soothing thing to go to sleep. Do you have the aquarium thing in his crin yet? Maybe he was talking to that?!
You are doing such a great job as a mom and its easy to self doubt. I do it too but when it comes down to it nothing that we do is really wrong. We are doing what we think is best and Nini always says that "you really cant do anything wrong right now".
Enjoy your quiet time, well, unless your in bed and not reading this! lol
Thank you ladies! It is so easy to be second guessing yourself!
Nichole! We'll be there!!
You'll get more confident as time goes on, of course, but second guessing yourself in decisions you make regarding your child is something you will continue to do for the next 18+ years. Don't feel so bad - we all do it