Hi ladies! Finally feeling up to sitting at the computer and doing some information... I know Zeesbride was waiting for me to post the goods.
Basic stats:
Isabella Eve N.
9/17/09 @ 1:27pm
6lbz 11oz
18.5 inches long
37 weeks, 4 days (gestational age)
I'll post most of the pictures, birth story, etc over at my blog: http://subzoo.blogspot.com/ I know not everyone will want to hear about going from 6cm to 10cm in less than 20 minutes or the fun of being "that girl" on the L&D floor who comes in still planning a natural delivery. It's been a real roller coast for the last week between L&D, our peditrician's partner being BSC, being held extra time at the hospital, and coming home to face the fact that someone took one of our dogs from our backyard while I was in L&D on Thursday and we haven't been able to locate her.
Thanks for all of the well wishes, I was able to read (but not post) on The Nest while I was in L&D on my phone.
Re: Bella is here! :) Updates & photos inside...
Congrats Mom! She is absolutely gorgeous!
Little girls are the best and I love the name Isabella! Not just for Twi-related reasons either! :-)
Oh my goodness! She's here! I thought you still had a couple more weeks but I guess time flies by eh? Congrats! She's beautiful.....and blonde!!
Linz.....you're next girl!
Jen -- I still had two and a half weeks to go! She had other ideas.
Linz - how are you doing?! Any labor signs yet?
Ssinca - She's actually got some very interesting hair going on. I was a baldie too but she has a full head of hair in three different colors - blonde on the front with some strawberry blonde/red mixed in and she had brunette curls on the back of her head that fell out during her first bath. We have no idea what color she'll end up (or if she'll even get to keep what hair she has right now).
Socializing foster puppies since 2009
Chart for TTC#2 - BFP 6.10.12, m/c 6.17.12 @ 4w3d ? BFP 7.14.12, EDD 3.27.13
Beta @ 15DPO: 441, P: 15.1 ? 19DPO: 2,784 ? 26DPO: 28,886 ? U/S 8/2: One happy HB!
Elective U/S @ 15w5d - it's a BOY! Confirmed at 19w6d. ?
9/19/12: Miscarriage at 12wks due to Triploidy, D&C 9/24/12 - I will forever miss you my little angel
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!