Since about 2:30 this afternoon I've been having this weird throbbing off and on pain in the back of my thigh like 6 inches or so from the back of my knee...and I have an achy feeling radiating around my knee area and that back part of my's just really weird hurts but not awful and I took 2 advil @3 and it seems to have done's kinda freakin me out...yesterday all around my left shoulder blade and into the middle of my back hurts cause I must have pulled something so that still hurts a bit but that wouldn't be related right? Just curious to get your opinion and if I should take maybe 3 advil before going to bed instead of 2...or calling a doc? And to top it off I am super crampy with AF! UGH!
WWYD? Thanks!
Re: Any Nurses/Docs Around? Advice please?
good luck, let us know what they say!
and hey look your boys are all in the 3's drake is 3years 3weeks and Jackson is 3 months!!
So they called me back last night and said if it wasn't swollen or red or I wasn't excruciating pain then I could wait it out till morning. Also that if I touched it and it didn't hurt then it most likely was not a clot. (basically everything Brianna's Mommy asked me)!
So I took a hot bath and that seemed to help I think then went right to bed and I haven't felt it calf muscle when walking on it today I can kinda feel a strain so I'm thinking maybe I just walked the wrong way somehow and tweaked/pulled something in there to have it lead into my knee and into the back of my thigh...I'm just glad it's gone! The littlest crap scares me! Thanks for being here girls =o)