I am very unhappy right now at my current job and feel very unappreciated. I teach the kindergarten class at a child care center in LS for the past 3 years. Lately I feel like I have very much been taken advantage of for many reasons. I just have not been happy for some time now and have been searching for jobs for almost a year now. I have not had much luck with the online searches. I would love to get out of the classroom and start doing something different, more administrative of clerical I guess. I would love to find something with an office setting. I am very task orientated, I love keeping very busy and work well under pressure. I have a few years office experience while in college many moons ago, but that is it. Any ideas, advice or words of encouragement would be very helpful.
Thank you!
Re: Know of any jobs?
My only thought would be to find a head hunter that places people in the type of job you're looking for. If you're not on linkedin yet get on there and start connecting with people.
Sorry I can't help more!
I can only recommend trying to hold out in current job until you are offered another position. Right is a hard time to switching jobs. My husbands has applied for around 100 jobs and only received 1 interview. There are just so many applicants for each job right now with so many people out of work. I know it's hard to stay but for right now a would try to.
My mom works for Satellite Engineering Group and I do believe this past weekend that she said they were looking to hire another HR or office manager type position. It's in Overland Park, though...
Hey Melissa! I'm so sorry your going through this. I remember you saying something a while back about unhappy you were too. I just recently got a 2nd job (still doing real estate) and agree with previous posters that there are SO many others out there looking too. My new employer said there were over 400 applicants for my position.
I do remember seeing a lot of positions available with the Olathe Medical Center(s). I even went on 3 interviews there before being selected for my current job (legal secretary). Not that you want to drive to Olathe, but maybe check out the hospitals and doctor buildings in/and around Lee's Summit.......
Looks like an older post but for anyone else that might be looking try here they have physical therapy jobs and administrative jobs open right now.