These babies are seriously NEVER coming out. When they were both breech, the doctors said we could do a c-sec at 37 weeks. So of course, they both turn head down and the doctors won't even consider induction til 39 1/2 weeks. i had my first internal today and I'm not dilated even a little bit.
I am seriously so unbelivably miserable. I can't sleep - if I recline in the slightest, I feel like I'm suffocating. I can't walk. My feet are the size of balloons. I gained 10 lb in a week - and 24 lbs in a month - and I can't even eat! Everything makes me sick - all I've really had in the last week is popsicles and jello.
Sorry for the whine. I'm just so tired and I can't see the end.
Re: I'm going to be pregnant forever - warning whining vent inside
I'm sorry - whine away!
My cousin's OB was going to take the twins at 37 weeks if she didn't have them earlier. I can't imagine going full term with two. GOD BLESS YOU.
I hope you get comfortable soon!
Not only are you pg, you have two babies inside of you so you are allowed to be extra whiny!
It could be worse, you could be working still! Could you imagine, would you even be able to bend down to get in the safe?
Alonzo and Rutabega- GET OUT! Mommy is miserable and Auntie Katie wants to meet you!!!!
I'm sorry Allison. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you!! (Other than have a pitcher of margaritas waiting for you)
Thanks everyone - it definitely made me feel better to write everything out and I appreciate all of the nice words
Desha- I'll be at the Elliot - you?
Mellissa- I'm dying to go to work to have something to do, but I'd probably last like 5 minutes before I felt like I was going to die. How was your first day?
Katie - If you bring me margaritas in the hospital, I will pay you. Good money. Then I'll have Jason's mom make the twins little shirts that say "My Auntie Katie is the coolest" and that's all they'll be allowed to wear until they turn 2. Maybe longer.
Oh Allison you are such a trooper! I give you all the credit in the world. I have know idea what it feels like in your position with twins and being that far along (I only went 36 weeks). I am sure that you have watched too much tv and maxed out on gossip mags. There is only so much you can do without going crazy! lol
Come on out little babies!! We are all nice and want to meet you!
ugh, i remember how it was when i was pg at the end and i only had 1 baby in there! whine away hun! you deserve to!!!!!!
youre so so close though!!!!! hang in there!!!! its almost over!
Oh, i hope your water breaks for you soon! I can't believe they are having you wait so long, but the longer they cook the better, right?
I agree, you have every right to whine!