Orange County Nesties
Dear Community,
Our tech team has launched updates to The Nest today. As a result of these updates, members of the Nest Community will need to change their password in order to continue participating in the community. In addition, The Nest community member's avatars will be replaced with generic default avatars. If you wish to revert to your original avatar, you will need to re-upload it via The Nest.
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Note: This only affects The Nest's community members and will not affect members on The Bump or The Knot.
do we need a confessions post?
wake up, wake up!
I have nothing to confess today, or at least I don't think I do.
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Re: do we need a confessions post?
Seriously. I've been refreshing and refreshing. :P
Hey has anyone ever been to the Queen Mary Observation Deck Bar? I hear it's a neat little spot. Would it be a neat spot to have a b day celebration?
w.o.w. everyone must still be asleep.
no clue, fitty, but have fun whatever you do! you could always go bar-hopping on pine st. if it's lame. then again, maybe pine st. is lamer.
I'm just succumbing to the idea that I likely won't end up doing what I want to do anyway so might as well use the responsiblity to pick a place in my favor and as my angle. Know what I mean?
I have decided to do something with hubs and also play nice and share at some point so I'm brainstorming.
I kept refreshing also.
My confession: I kind of have baby fever. Kind of. I have 4 friends having babies in the next 2 months. I'm sure once the babies are born I'll get my fix. I'll be able to play with them and give them back.
Your girl is still a baby though! She's so cute and tiny. How old is she? Have you shared this with your H?
Does it feel like a Friday to anyone else by chance? It does to me. Maybe it's just wishful thinking. So S, what's new in Luthiania? (sp?)
Not really a confession.
My dr. moved my due date up by 1 week so I'm that much closer to rocking my gut as a baby bump. I'm wondering when it would seem believable. I see all these girls saying they didn't show until like 20 weeks and I want to cry. I carry my weight in my belly so I look like a whale already.
I'm judging the hell out of one of my cousins right now and it's none of my business. Her and her husband bought an S class Benz. They live with her parents with their 2 year old, he works 2 jobs, she's a teacher. They posted on FB a picture and someone said "Wow how much was that?!" and she posted "We didn't even have to pay a lot because we cash out our retirements account because it was losing money anyway so our payments are really low!"
And look, I admit it's none of my business. But then they wonder why I won't give my niece money for Christmas and birthday presents? Well maybe because I don't want there being any chance that a penny of my money is going to go finance stupidity.
Nothing that hasn't been said by multiple people on this board already, but at my annual yesterday, when my OB/Gyn asked the requisite "So, are you guys thinking about kids?" instead of replying with "HELL NO!" I said "Well, the thought of them is slightly less scary than it was last year."
And then I happily accepted a year refill on my BCP. :P
Cupcake: MMm, pasta... I haven't had lunch yet. At least it wasn't 2 western bacon cheese burgers. Kidding W!!
PPH: I bet you look great. Just enjoy it and stop worrying about what your "gut" looks like for once and enjoy being preggie. There is no sense in being self concious about it- this is a happy time for you!
10Y: I'd judge too. Hell, I'm judging right now.

People who do that are total morons. I'm assuming they are young so they have plenty of time to ride it out. The market won't be like this forever and you'll earn the money back. With a new car the value is depreciating. Idiots.
You don't look like a whale! Please tell me you're going to get pants with "Bumpalicious" on the seat.
The only reason I would see to take from 401k is to buy a house. Especially in this market, at least you know you will make money.
Of course! With this shirt:
A, she's almost 2. I really want to wait until she's closer to 4 before TTC. Its just that I'm surrounded by pregnant women. But I'm happy to sleep through the night and am not ready to give that up again...yet.
Yay! And its not a gut, it is always a baby bump :-) I started showing around 15-16 weeks, so you could start showing early as well.
PPH, I started popping out when I was at 14-16 weeks. So you are right around the corner. At 22W I still hate the bump phase I am. So I feel ya. I just saw some old friends and I HAD to tell them I was expecting. They were like "Oh I thought so but I didn't want to be THAT person". I guess I havent hit the OBVIOUS bump yet.
My confession. I am on a spending spree lately and I need to stop. Even though the nursery is barely finished I am already trying to convince hubby that we need to by a $3,000 PB desk/hutch set. God help me.
Socializing foster puppies since 2009
Chart for TTC#2 - BFP 6.10.12, m/c 6.17.12 @ 4w3d ? BFP 7.14.12, EDD 3.27.13
Beta @ 15DPO: 441, P: 15.1 ? 19DPO: 2,784 ? 26DPO: 28,886 ? U/S 8/2: One happy HB!
Elective U/S @ 15w5d - it's a BOY! Confirmed at 19w6d. ?
I'm not 100% sure if it is the answer but I fully plan to test the theory tonight with a bottle of pinot noir!
I?ve been sweating all week over my one-on-one meeting with my new CIO tomorrow. I checked my calendar earlier today and realized it?s scheduled for next Friday. OMG, I need to learn how to read a calendar... I?ve been majorly stressing way too early. I can breathe easy over the weekend, but I still feel like an idiot. Ugh.
Sorry to hear about R's leave...that blows, friend!! It has been quite a week for you, I hope things start looking up for you all soon!!
Instead of doing laundry, I'm packing all dirty clothes to wear on our Colorado trip tomorrow.
Well, the underwear is clean. That's what really counts.
I'm wondering if my sister is going to go through this (the not having the same last name part). I'm actually a little surprised how often people react that way because I know a ton of married women who still use their maiden names. Plus I know a ton of couples that have children together and they aren't married. It's no ones business!!!