So her cancer came back. It is small cell carcinoma which is extremely aggressive. She was going to come up 2 days a week to spend and watch Connor. I really felt that her helping babysit him would help keep her postive (and she also loved the fact that it helped us....which it did) but we got the news yesterday from the dr and she has to start Chemo on Monday. She will go 5 days a week for 6-8 weeks She will most likely lose her hair again and probably most of the weight that she has gained
If you are the praying kind please pray for her. She is too young to die, she is only 52 and shoud have many more years left to play with Connor and watch him grow. I hate the idea of him growing up not knowing how wonderful his Nana Diane is
This week sucks! I was prepared for the emotions on Thursday when I got back to work for the 1st day but now I have to try to get the strength to watch her go through this again (the poor thing) and I am now scurrying to find someone to watch him the other 2 days that she would have.
Thanks for listening and for your prayers. They are very much appreciated for my mom!
Re: Pls, Pls..need your prayers for my mom again
May 2014 November Siggy Challenge
The Griswold’s Christmas Vacation
beth honey i am so sorry to hear this crappy news. i dont pray a lot but i will say a prayer for you mom and send good vibes her way to help her heal.
im here if you need to talk/
Beth, I am so sorry this is happening again....I am sending out all of my cancer free dust to your mom. I hope this round of Chemo does the trick for good. If you need anything, let me know. I have Fridays off this summer if you need a babysitter for Fridays too, let me know.
I am sooo sorry! I will keep you and your mom in my prayers. Your mom is such a nice woman and I know that she will get through this just like the last time. Let me know if you need anything!
I am sorry to read this about your mom Beth! You are right that she is WAY too young. I will keep her in my thoughts, and I hope that she has enough strength to pull thru again! I bet now that you have your little guy, she will push her way through anything!
Thank you all for our kind words and thoughts and prayers! All are much appreciated! We do have a long road but I also have a lot of faith. I really just believe that it is not her time to go. Not her time to leave me or Connor.
Thank you also for your offers to help. I will take you up if we get our backs up against a wall. Thank you for your generosity!
Sorry if I am *blah* I really am trying to cheer up, just having a hard time today.......ok, pity party done with.
oh beth, this breaks my heart. please don't give up any hope yet, because i will tell you, medical science is increadible. would you like me to send you a packet of info from ACS? I can pull up some real solid, helpful information on that type of cancer, and that way it will be a bit more clear to read if you need it. I can also help you with any needs she has at all. We have these awesome classes called "look good...feel better" where ladies who have cancer gather and basically have a make-up class! They each get a kit of make-up worth several hundred bucks, and its just fun. They're available all over the country!!! Those kids of support activites are wonderful, and you can even go with her
I'm not trying to push ANY of this on you, but a lot of people don't realize that ACS can meet ALMOST any need a family going through cancer has. Email me if you need ANYTHING, no matter how wild, and I can try my best to find it (allyson dot foor at cancer dot org).
And, I hope you know you can come to ME and talk any time at all. I would love to see you soon...we're skipping out on mom's group because I'm still sick (it's freakin brochitis...), and because my MIL is coming Thurs and Fri so Jordan will be out of daycare those days. Anyhow, I hope to see you soon!! Love you sweetie!
I'm so sorry. Your family has been in my thoughts for a long time and they will continue to be. I'll send all the positive energy I can muster. Your mom is such a fighter, I wish you the best.
I'm so very sorry to hear this Beth and I will pray for your mom and for you too.
If you find that you get stuck with childcare and need some help temporarily until you can figure out something permanent, I'd be happy to watch Connor for you anytime.
Deb, thank you so much for your offer and I will probably take you up on it! Fridays is the one day that I am missing so far. Ill give you a call later to talk about it.
Your a life saver and a great friend to extend yourself to help me and my family!
Thank you so much. The offer is heartfelt and I appreciate that.
Laura, that is so kind of you, especially since you have 2 little ones already. I so appreciate your support. Things this time around are so much more complex for me, I think it's b/c Connor is here and last time he wasnt.....that's the only thing I can think of but MAN are my emotions just running crazy on me!
Thanks again for the offer and I will let you know if I ever need the help.....that way he can get dibs on Caroline!! :P
Thank you again to all your wonderful ladies for your love and support and prayers. They mean more than I could ever express to all of you. Thank you for praying for woman that most of you have never met but she felt the love today when I told her that all the women on my board were prayer for her and thinking positive thoughts. Thanks for making my mom smile!!
Oh Beth... I"m so sorry to hear this! I have no idea what its like to see your mom go through something like this not only once, but now twice! ((big hugs)) You and your mom will be in my thoughts!