She arrived on her Due date, June 4th at 3:20pm. I was induced due to pre-e. Started and only needed Cervidal (thank goodness), labored all wednesday morning and pushed for 2 hours. Labor and Delivery nurse said I was making progress but then the DR came in to check me (after the 2 hours) and said she was still high and made NO progress and suggested a c-section. Because I was pre-e, I couldn't use the tub/shower like I hoped to so laboring was rough. Ended up with an epi around 11ish, started pushing around 12:30-1pm. Dr said I could continue to try to push for another 30 mins but I was restricted to 3 positions because of epi. Left side, right side or back with me pulling on a sheet. sigh. (oh and I could move my legs just fine which was nice). So went in for c-section at 3 and she came 20 mins later. C-section healing has been great!! For me, it wasn't bad as I thought.
8 pound, 9 ounces. 19.5 inches long. She's a sweetheart. : ) We are adjusting well.
Re: Maya Simone is here!
Hey, Silva! Some posted about this on 3rd tri, I thought of you w/ your LOST party pics in your bio: