Poor little guy screamed his brains out when he got his shots...he was a bit fussy, but I nursed him lots and now he's been down sleeping since 4pm...
He checked out perfectly and now weighs 13lbs 11oz and is 23.5 inches long. The nurse was giving him the oral vaccine and as he was gulping in down, she says: "Oh, looks like he might have some teeth coming his way, his lower gums look a little white in the front."
This would probably explain his love of chewing on his pacifier vs. sucking it....my guess is at his 4 month the doctor will have him starting solids, but we'll see, I'm not pushing him to grow up
Re: 2 month checkup done!
I actually didn't ask the doctor what his percentiles were and she didn't tell me either - to me it's not a big deal, kids grow at their own rate/pace anyways...