...questions for you! Dh is going to apply to the PSU GTEP masters/licnese program that starts July 2010. (for elementary). Ideally, he'd like to go full time so he's finished in a year, but we both ideally need him to be working (not even a full time 9-5 job, even part time would be OK). If you completed the program, were you able to work while going through the program? Did the program help you get a job faster than had you not gone through the graduate program?
Also, for teachers in general-what are your thoughts on getting a masters right after you finish your bachelors degree (DH will be finished in April with his BA in Liberal Studies). I ask because MIL, who was in education and administation for years, said that schools are hesitant to hire new teachers with a Masters because they have to pay them more (as pay is based on amount of credits? Maybe just in CA?) Anyways, just curious which path you took and why.
Re: Those who went through the PSU grad teaching program...
funny, i'm applying for that program as well....for the last month i've been doing nothing but researching programs in the area to apply for...just an FYI he knows that you have to literally live in oregon for TWELVE consecutive months to pay in state tuition at PSU, right? I'm just telling you because if he's going to pay out of state, he might as well go to a private school...which from my research seems to be a better option program-wise.
as far as your other questions, i dont know the answers since i'm in the same boat as your DH
buttt if you find them out, even if not on this board, can you come let me know? i'd be really interested in the answers, too!
oh and honestly, i dont think he'd be able to work, even part time...just from my research all of the full time programs seem really intense...some programs have even told me that they had lawyers go through it who said it was harder than any one year of law school. but they could be just saying that, who knows.
andddd not be such a negative nancy, but i wouldn't count on him getting a job, even part time...i've been here 3 months now and still have had only one interview. i've applied to places like costco and target now and am not even getting interviews there...it's REALLY tough out here right now and it sucks
anddd apparently its because they dont like to hire people that aren't from oregon...a LOT of oregonians have told me this...and i guess if you're from california it's even worse. it's the only negative thing i've found from our move to oregon so far. kinda sucks, actually. i guess there was a governor a few years back whose campaign was basically "oregon for oregonians" and the mentality is still around...
anyway i know i totally just rained on your parade, but pleeeaassee keep me updated about your husband
is he planning on applying to anywhere else other than PSU? has he taken the CBEST or ORELA yet? i take the CBEST in 2 weeks and i'm nervous! that'd be funny if your husband and i ended up being classmates 
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Thanks Daisy! super helpful info.
I'm currently on the fence about a job...meaning I have a 2nd interview lined up for a company I'd be stoked to work for. The downside is the pay isn't great, and far less than what I make right now, so I'm trying to find a way to make it work. What it might come down to, is DH does into their 2-year PT program, so he can work FT and finances won't be hit as hard.
I know he'd probably have to pay out of state tution, but I did see a few "exceptions" to that policy where he might qualify for in-state so I'll check into it. He's currently finishing up his BA (he's on the delayed schooling path as he was int he Air Force), so he'll be finished in March/April so he hasn't taken the CBest (actually, I think the Orela applies to him). I know he'll look into it himself, but I'm sort of a researcher, so I feel like I also have to look into it!
That would be funny it you were in the same classes!
Learning to start all over again... Blog
i don't want to scare you but he should look into taking the tests soon...i went to an informational meeting 2 weeks ago and found out that the competition is ridiculous for PSU because so many people apply (im assuming because it's really cheap)...and at the meeting they basically told us without directly telling us that if you dont have the tests taken at the time of application (which the due date is december 1st), you get thrown to the bottom of the pile, and they MIGHT consider you...honestly i was not impressed with their program at all. i really really want to go to a different program, i'm just not sure on finances...so i'm applying to PSU.
they also have a bunch of pre-reqs that some of the other schools don't have.. and they basically said the same thing about them...that if you dont have them done by december 1st (or at least be in the classes), that you get placed on the bottom of the pile. i still need to take art in the elementary classroom and couldn't find it at any community colleges online in time for fall semester...so i won't have taken that and will have to take it starting in january.
now, if you dont have the tests or pre-reqs done, you have to submit a "plan of completion"...which i'll have to do for the art class saying how it will all be completed by the start date....but again they basically said without saying that your chances of getting in are way less...it's really sucky.
and there's two tests he'll need to take, either the CBEST or praxis I AND the ORELA.
it's weird how different the programs are...because the you look at lewis and clark they have no pre-reqs at all and you dont have to have the tests done at the time of application....
anyway..just trying to help..i know i keep sending you bad news....but that's awesome about the job!! well, not the pay, but i'm really excited for you and i hope you get it!!!
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Learning to start all over again... Blog
yess that will definitely help im sure
i am not so lucky to have a great gpa ...i went through some anxiety/depression crap in college and my 3.8 gpa quickly plummeted to just BARELY a 3.0...it SUCKS. and i've heard the tests aren't bad so tell him not to worry too much
but i totally hate test taking too
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Just finfished my MAT at the Portland George Fox campus. I did the 16 month program (one night a week and one Saturday a month w/ 2 short breaks) I was able to work for most of it, except when I was full-time for the last 4 months.
Very good program!!!
PS...I went straight in after my BS.