I didn't want to hijack the T&P post with anything other than T&P's. I just went back and read some of the post from 4jewels the few days before going in to labor. Yeah, I shouldn't have done that...very sad but it is real. She was going to have another nestie friend come in a take pictures of the childbirth.
She ended up with an emergency c-section and had an amniotic embolism. It is so scary to think of the risks behind childbirth. I just could not imagine going into the hospital for what is supposed to be the best time of your life and having it end like that. As much as I want another baby, this makes me not want to go through pregnancy again.
Re: Re: the nestie who passed....
Was there something wrong with the baby too? It sounded like it from one of the posts I read. I didn't scroll too far back, though.
And even though it happens, death during childbirth is very rare. It is scary and this situation is a tragedy, but you can't let it stop you from living your dreams of being a mother.
Very true...your chances of dying in a car accident on your way to work are way higher. I guess it is the whole scenario of the death that makes it so difficult to grasp. Any person dying is tragic, for some reason it makes me more sad to think of a baby that will never know his/her own mother. I guess it is the ultimate sacrifice....giving up your own life for someone else!
I think it is the circumstances surrounding the death like MrsDMC said... My heart just breaks whenever I think about her and her family.
I went home yesterday and just laid in bed with my husband for 30 minutes kissing my baby girl.