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You and DH poll, taken from GP
1. What was your first date with DH?
2. How long did you wait to have your first kiss?(Who kissed who)
3. Do you celebrate the day you two met as a special anniversary?
4. How did/will you spend your first (2nd, 3rd, 4th...) anniversary?
5. How did you pick your wedding day?
Re: You and DH poll, taken from GP
1. What was your first date with DH? We went out for mexican food (Which I later found out he hates) and then out for some karaoke where I made him sing me a rod stewart song! haha This was our first time meeting as well! We met thru a friend over the interwebs
2. How long did you wait to have your first kiss?(Who kissed who) kissed on the first date! I totally smooched him! He was all shy about it
3. Do you celebrate the day you two met as a special anniversary? We did until we got married
4. How did/will you spend your first (2nd, 3rd, 4th...) anniversary? 11/22 is our first wedding anny. We still havent figured it out.
5. How did you pick your wedding day? Well we had an inside joke about the number 22. We saw it on one of those crime shows, they rate criminals on how dangerous they are by #'s, 22 being the most dangerous...So I used to call him Mr. 22...then the number 22 kept popping up through out our there ya go.
1. What was your first date with DH? Well, we'd been doing long distance for a few months (met on vacation), so our we say our first date was from his first trip out to see me, the second day we spent together. We went to dinner up in Flagstaff.
2. How long did you wait to have your first kiss?(Who kissed who) First date! I'm surprised that we didn't kiss that first night he came out to see me. But we both were just kind of reeling from seeing each other, it was really sweet. But when we did kiss, I'd say he kissed me.
3. Do you celebrate the day you two met as a special anniversary? We acknowlege the day we met on vacation, but don't really do anything special.
4. How did/will you spend your first (2nd, 3rd, 4th...) anniversary? First anniversary coming up next month! I'm taking him to the Brad Paisley concert tomorrow night! I don't know what we'll do on the actual day.
5. How did you pick your wedding day? For weather reasons, we wanted to do either spring or fall. Spring was a little far away for us (didn't want a long engagement), so we did fall. And...I don't know...October just felt right. It's a pretty month, if that makes any sense. And we just liked the way 10-18-08 looked.
1. What was your first date with DH? We went to see The Italian Job.
2. How long did you wait to have your first kiss?(Who kissed who) We kissed on his first visit down to see me. So we had known each other for about 3 years, but had only met in person like 3 days before. He likes to claim that he kissed me, but that's not the truth
3. Do you celebrate the day you two met as a special anniversary? Umm that's kinda complicated. We don't actually know the date we "met" online...sometime in October. We did consider his first trip down here to be our anniversary date though, so until the wedding that was our anniversary.
4. How did/will you spend your first (2nd, 3rd, 4th...) anniversary? We haven't talked about what we'll do for our first yet. We have a little while yet to plan. Maybe a trip when he is on spring break.
5. How did you pick your wedding day? It was a mess picking the day. We originally wanted January, but switched to March (no idea why). Then we picked March 14th because it would be during spring break so neither of us would have school and the 14th was considered our anniversary date (not in march, but we still thought it would be nice). But in the time it took us to tell the venue that date got booked so we just went with the 21st on a whim.
1. What was your first date with DH? Oh geez. I'm honestly not even sure what to put here. Technically, our first date was the summer after our sophomore year of high school (I think). We went to go see Congo (his mom drove us - lol). It was a date to him, but I was very much only interested in being friends at the time. Our first "real" date was over winter break, our freshman year of college. He was home from U of A, and we went to go see Scream 2. That date just started out as friends (I still was only interested in him as a friend, and he wanted more), but at some point during the movie, I realized I did have feelings for him. After the movie, we got pizza at the food court and then drove around and talked pretty much all night long. We ended up in Fountain Hills somehow (we started out at Arrowhead mall), and up and around this mountain. We got out to look at the stars (it was freezing - just after Christmas), and when he put his jacket around me, we kissed.
2. How long did you wait to have your first kiss?(Who kissed who) See above. I think he kissed me though.
3. Do you celebrate the day you two met as a special anniversary? Not really since we were in high school. I could probably go back and figure it out (first day of freshman year), but we didn't get together for so long after that.
4. How did/will you spend your first (2nd, 3rd, 4th...) anniversary? For our first anniversary, we spent the weekend up in Show Low. We rented a cabin. It was really nice and romantic. I think we just went out to dinner for our second and third anniversaries. In fact, I know that for one of our anniversaries (I think it was our most recent one - the 3rd), we went to our favorite pizza place (which is a total dive). lol
5. How did you pick your wedding day? Ok - long story! Waaaaaay back in high school, during our sophomore year, we had Biology together, and it was the last class of the day. It seemed like every time I looked at the clock in that class, it was always 2:10. One day, I mentioned that to Ray (who sat behind me). From then on, he always made sure to point out when it was 2:10 to me. Then, in college, when we dated the first time, his page code for when he paged me was 210 (this is dating me, I know...). He also made his e-mail address x-ray210. And he would call or page me at 2:10 to say he loved me. Once we got back together again in 2004, he was still living in Tucson, and I was in Phoenix. He would again always try to call me or e-mail me at 2:10 to tell me that it was 2:10.
It's just this thing between us. So, we decided to get married on Feb. 10th, which is 2/10.
And he still calls me, texts me, or e-mails me at 2:10, if he notices the time.
1. What was your first date with DH?
I lived in Maine and he lived in MA so we decided the he'd come up for the night (such a hussy I am) and we'd go to the movies. I dont remember what we saw.. National Treasure maybe? Anyways, we went to see that and had dinner at the theater (was a dinner/movie at the same time kind of place). We went back to my apartment where we hung out with my roomate (who i insisted that he be home that night). The next day we went to the movies to see something else and then he went back to MA.
2. How long did you wait to have your first kiss?(Who kissed who)
We kissed that night... though I am not sure who kissed who. We had spoken for a while on the inet before we met and being funny one night we had said that to make things "less awkward" he would grab my boob and i'd grab his package and get that out of the way from the get go. So for weeks we said we'd do that. When he came in i was shocked to see that he did it so I did it then we laughed for about an hour and then kissed. Not romantic at all..
3. Do you celebrate the day you two met as a special anniversary?
4. How did/will you spend your first (2nd, 3rd, 4th...) anniversary?
Our first anniversary I was pregnant so we went out to dinner at a really nice steakhouse in NH. For our Second anniversary he was getting ready to move out here to AZ so we had to celebrate a week early. We left the kids with my MIL and went to dinner and a movie? Nothing fancy..
5. How did you pick your wedding day?
We were originally going to get married on May 5th. He wanted to get marreid in the spring before it got too hot. Mostly when stuff was blooming. We reserved a function room and got things set up but then had a hard time with the WC. So we got our deposit back and started looking elsewhere again. We fell in love with a place that had a few different rooms but the room we loved most was only available on the 6th. We went back and forth on it but decided that 5/6/7 for a wedding day would be neat and we'd never forget it..
1. What was your first date with DH? He picked me and was such a gentlemen and took me to dinner at Chili's and we had a great time. Then we went back to his place and watched a movie and talked. It was a really nice night.
2. How long did you wait to have your first kiss?(Who kissed who) We waited about a week only because we got together while I was in Chicago on Vacation, so I had to wait to come back home and he kissed me.
3. Do you celebrate the day you two met as a special anniversary? We do but now I think we might not since we got married, but it still is a special day.
4. How did/will you spend your first (2nd, 3rd, 4th...) anniversary? 1st, we might take a trip to London. All others I do not know, I think for our 5th we are going back to Disneyland.
5. How did you pick your wedding day? Just got out the calendar and saw what weekend would be best. July 3rd, is DH birthday and and we we chose two weeks after that, so July 18th.
Click Me
1. What was your first date with DH? Well, we never really had an official first date, but after our drunken make out session (see story in #2) we decided to go to sushi and the local farmer's market to talk about what we were going to do (be a couple, ignore the kiss, etc.)
2. How long did you wait to have your first kiss?(Who kissed who) We kissed before we dated, and he kissed me first, but I practically had to force him, LOL! We were co-workers, then roommates, but there was big time sparks between us. I finally got sick of waiting for him to make a move, so after a drunken Tuesday night at a bar watching The All Star Game, we went back to our house, I threw water on him, and we started wrestling. After what seemed like 10 hours, he finally pinned me down and kissed me.
3. Do you celebrate the day you two met as a special anniversary? Not the day we met- we were just co-workers then, but the day we first kissed. We did before we got married. We still talk about it when it comes about, but it's only a week before our wedding anniversary.
4. How did/will you spend your first (2nd, 3rd, 4th...) anniversary? 1st was a long weekend in San Diego, 2nd we went out for sushi, lol. But we had just spent a week in Miami, so we couldn't really spend anymore money.
5. How did you pick your wedding day? Just by chance- we had to pick a Friday or Sunday (All Saturday's for our place was booked by Island residents first, so we had to pick an off day). We randomly picked July 15th.
1. What was your first date with DH?
I don't remember having a first "date" we kinda just started hanging out a lot after we got back from our trip to Kenya
2. How long did you wait to have your first kiss?(Who kissed who)
hehe I think the day after I officially broke it off with my ex. He said something about wanting to kiss me and I agreed so he did. lol
3. Do you celebrate the day you two met as a special anniversary?
4. How did/will you spend your first (2nd, 3rd, 4th...) anniversary?
but we celebrated early by going to dinner and staying at a hotel for a night. I hope we can do what we wanted for our 1st next year and go see Cirque du Soleil in Vegas.
5. How did you pick your wedding day?He was at Basic training for our 1st
I wanted August since it's supposed to be the driest month in NH(it rained) 8/8/08 basically was easy to remember since neither of us remember when we started dating
1. What was your first date with DH? Um.. we didn't really have an official date for a while, as my mom said in our parents blessing in our ceremony "we were companions, and then friends- though everyone knew we'd get married". I'd say our first real "date" was to a haunted cornfield maze and then out for hot coco at Starbucks.
2. How long did you wait to have your first kiss?(Who kissed who) We met in September, and he kissed me for the first time October 19th. I know I'm lame.
3. Do you celebrate the day you two met as a special anniversary? We do. We're very corny people. If you hung out with DH and I you'd realize this
4. How did/will you spend your first (2nd, 3rd, 4th...) anniversary? Um..we haven't yet. We are thinking of going to the Turks and Cacos Islands, but it will depend on the baby situation.
5. How did you pick your wedding day? Well, at first it was going to be April in Tahoe, and then for some reason we picked June.... and we picked the 20th, but our venue we wanted was putting their ballrooms out of commission on the 20th, so they had the 13th, but I didn't want to get married on the 13th because ...ugh.. I'm divorced, and my first wedding was on the 13th of a diff month, so we picked Friday the 12th, and we liked how it flowed: 6*12*09 - all tangents of the number 32. How long did you wait to have your first kiss?(Who kissed who) First date smoochin'! He says he kissed me, but I not too sure that's the facts...
3. Do you celebrate the day you two met as a special anniversary? We celebrate the 'event' where we met--our church's rummage sale, but we don't really 'do' anything like dinner or presents. Although dh is the type that would if I let him.
4. How did/will you spend your first (2nd, 3rd, 4th...) anniversary? No idea, a long night out with nooo kids would be great.
5. How did you pick your wedding day? We met in the month of April and we couldn't do March as a friend was getting married then. DH loves the '25th' so there we were on 4/25/09
1. What was your first date with DH? We met halfway in Yuma (he lived in san diego) and we went to Outback and to see Anchorman
2. How long did you wait to have your first kiss?(Who kissed who) Umm, it was that night but I have no idea who kissed who
3. Do you celebrate the day you two met as a special anniversary? Not anymore, we did for a year or 2 but there are too many of those dates now
4. How did/will you spend your first (2nd, 3rd, 4th...) anniversary? No idea, our most recent one in August was spent on an airplane lol
5. How did you pick your wedding day?It was all they had open forever. Not my favorite date as it was 58749875349543* outside, but oh well, it was pretty.1. What was your first date with DH? First date was our 8th grade dance
2. How long did you wait to have your first kiss?(Who kissed who) I think we kissed after about 2 months of dating (we were young!) and he kissed me
3. Do you celebrate the day you two met as a special anniversary? We used to but don't anymore, just stick with our wedding anniversary
4. How did/will you spend your first (2nd, 3rd, 4th...) anniversary? For our first he surprised me with a weekend getaway in PA (we lived in NJ at the time) where our room had a 2 story champagne glass spa and a small indoor pool, second we did a fancy dinner in NYC, third....I don't remember we were in the middle of getting ready to move
, fourth was yesterday and we just got back from a trip to Disneyland and are having our traditional Friday night date night dinner at our favorite restaurant 
5. How did you pick your wedding day? We wanted October and the first was open at our reception hall and my hubby joked he couldn't forget our anniversary if it was the first of the month. Also my father's B-day is the fourth so we thought it would be awesome to have the family around for his b-day (he's a twin and they rarely get to celebrate together).
1. What was your first date with DH? Well, DH & I met online while he was still living in Cali & I was in Seattle. We talked for a month before he was able to come up to visit. When he visited, we initially met up at a mall, and walked to a park just down the road.
2. How long did you wait to have your first kiss?(Who kissed who) We kissed the first time we met, but as I said before, we had talked for a month before we ever met.
3. Do you celebrate the day you two met as a special anniversary? No, not really
4. How did/will you spend your first (2nd, 3rd, 4th...) anniversary? 1st, I surprised DH & got a nice hotel room downtown Seattle, 2nd, we had just moved here, so we went to dinner and a movie.
5. How did you pick your wedding day? I originally wanted to get married in September, but the Saturdays that were available at our venue had major conflicts (My mom's birthday, and DH's best friend's long awaited Europe vacation). October is way to rainy in WA, so we decided end of summer. The only available Saturday our venue had was 7/28, so that's how we got it.